#92, BAND & SJ!
Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:29 PM
HEY YA! ;DNow at ITSK. Some boring crap. Hahahs.
YesterdayGot band. Main band somemore. Its for the NDP rehersals.
I MANAGE SOME FREAKING FAST SONG AFTER 2TRIES!I'm so freaking happy, but that Felicia still say me. Lmaos!
Felicia hobby is to make fun of me. &mine is to make her piss ;D
Samantha went pale after 1hr, and totally shock us!
OMG!Scare the hell outta me.
GET WELL SOON, SAMANTHA! Not my mother larh.Mr Kumar is uber pissed lorh. Hahahs, call me horse. -.-
But its totally fun when he go to band, Mr Daniel abit toooooooo serious and also funny.
After band, met up with KengNing, WeiLi, TeckJin and Leonard. Hahahs. TeckJin and Leonard took KengNing mother's car while me and WeiLi go 7-11.
Hahahs, chat about SuperJunior. And going crazy over some guy in SJ :}
#91, NinetyOne!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:06 PM
19July09Went to Warren to pei Tanya. Hahahs, but went for my ahma's birthday party then chiong home for badminton.
Sorry Tanya! Make you wait damn long!!Hahahs, cause at Warren got this waiter guy that keep winking at Tanya, then Edward purposely wink at him when the winking waiter. I was lmaos all day! Hahahs, then
Edward and Joel keep deesiao-ing Tanya. -.- Then tried to make her happy back. Hahahs
Then when me and Tanya got our towels liao, went to the playroom to wait for the bathing queue to lighten, Joel go grab Tanya's bag and rush for the coach. Then Tanya go grab mine.
Bused 307 with Tanya, Edward and her bro.
Went to Tanya's house ;D First time sial!
24July09TODAY IS BUKIT PANJANG'S 49TH BIRTHDAY!And the speech day. Hahahs. Wear the tunic. So fun! 1230 end school, 430 the speech day start. Walauuu lorh! Hahahs,
We are the first performance, so we end early too. 5pm then dismissed, but me and Jasper want to help the percussion to clear their instrument so we stayed back.
Hahahs, went down to the buffet there and saw our class people being waiters and waitresses. :D
The girl's uniform so cute!
One frilly skirt thingy. And the boys one, one word.
The homecons apron and cap is their uni. OMG!
Uglyy...KengNing, WeiLi and JunDa stayed backed just to eat the buffet. Hahahs.
Quite okeh larh! :D Meet new friends,
Daryl and
Joyce from 206. Very fun to hang out with them!
25JulyTution was freaking fun! Gossip about the DingZhongNi and Yujun.
The shameless guy go give her a pink bunny ;x
But the colour is gay. Hahahs.
Booby and Pigcumber keep talking about them. hahahs
Picumber called me Bobby. -.- Noob sial him!
26July09I cut my hair at Kimage! -.-
Short short one! Like my primary school hairstyle. PomPom one! T^T
I brought a new racket! Coach sell me one! 76$ only and its freaking light! YES!!!!!
Went to Warren with Tanya again. Cool ehs? :}
Hahahs, played the scissors-paper-stone slapping game with Edward.
I WIN! (i think)
Hahahs. His whole hand
red, lmaos!
This time lucky, got to bathe! :D
Went to eat at the cafe with Tanya, Edward and Joel, same people.
Hahahs, too bad the winking guy never come. Hahahs. -.-
At the bus coach, we go sms the Jesse guy that keep harassing Tanya, go gossip him also.
Then go deesiao him. Very funny lorh! :D
Then went to Tanya's house again. Hahahs. Gossip about Jesse and laugh at his picture.
Gay -.- So like girl!TodayHomecons!
Cooked Salmon! Freaking delicious!
Hahahs. Cause our recess is affected, we very late then go maths class, lucky is MrBernardLi. :D
Then me, Claire, JiaWen, Jamie, Jocelyn and Gervan slacked outside class, study corner. And eat. :D
Fun Fun Fun!
Stayed back with Gabbiew, Zharfan, Ayaka, Bernice and Jasper. Hahahs.
#90, HappyBirthdayClarissa!
Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:34 PM
Hey ya'll!
Long time no post, &i didnt abandon my blog :D
Happy Birthday Clarissa Chua!So fast sia, long time no meet ;D
Holy crapp, i forgot my blogger password, lmaos. Need like dontknow 100thousand trys then can. Hahahs. Today is so effing fun!
Gossip uhs, MingEe&Dorcass [Pigcumber and Booby]!
Pinched Edmund like
Gtg, byeee
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 6:44 PM
Today after school cabbed home and grabbed badminton stuff and shot to meet Tanya and Hester. :D
Saw that shortyass Marcus and Keith. Cuatio ;xCause Coach Lee booked 3courts to let us playplay. ;D
Hester go S-11 eat, so me and Tanya go first
Slacked at CCk there while waiting for Hester. Told Tanya that LeeMinHo and Goo Hye Sun coming to Singapore this Saturday at Junction8. She screamed. Or freak out that she cannot go because of Badminton at Warren. Hahahs.
THANKS CQin FOR THE INFO!! :DThen when Hester came go anyhow cope 1court.
Cause nobody there :x
Saw Grace!! :D Guitarmatee. Hahahs, long time bo see. :DThen play play play, with one of Hester's friend, very pro uhs.
I so noob, Hahahs. 5++ walked home with Tanya, then went to YewTeePoint there to but The 'Boys Over Flowers' last box.
See alot of people crowding outside the stall, just because
Jo's one of his performance is showing. I thought they crowding to buy the 'Boys Over Flower' So i anxious, then go in. -.- The CD out of stock. -.-
Then saw JiaWen and Claire on the way homee! :D

Did this outta boredom! :D
& this:
-Removed-Dumb pig!
Hahahs, i think Dorcas will be laughing her ass off.

Monday, July 6, 2009 11:13 AM
I want to post 3July one.That day very very de fun!
After school went to Mac with JiaWen and Claire. :D
Suppose to go watch movie one, but like abit late liao. Because of MsOw!
Harrumpph!Then went to Mac and makan. Like almost everyday go there and makan.
Saw Merrick, Zharfan, ZhiYong, JiaHao and i forget the rest.
Then go cope my fries. -.- Noob.
Then gossip with JiaWen and Claire. Hahahs. Funny! JiaWen eat very slow. Claire eat very fast.
Zharfan keep emo-ing. CHEER UP!!Me, JiaWen and Claire decided to go to Ayaka's condo there with the rest of the girls.
Fun! Saw Ayaka and Bernice at lotone. So hang out with them until 2somthing. :D
Went to 'Aries' and saw
Dorcas (booby)!
Shouted and Screamed. We are mad! Hugged like siao siao. Bernice and Ayaka tio shocked! Lmaos!Lucky JiaWen and Claire go and buy bubbletea. Or else think we crazy liao.
Then called MingEe up to second floor. Me & MingEe thought the skater boy was Dorcas' boyfriend
(eh eh, rightt? Hahahs) Then Gervan came up. Call Ruben with my phone. Whatthehell, i thought he needed to ask something, hmmmm.. I got punked.
Keep seeing
booby, she keep walking around. Hahahs. Funnyshiat!
2++, went to Ayaka's condo. She changed unit. Hahahs, Bernice got us lost. :D

A BIG BIG BIG THANKYOU FOR THOSE THAT HELP MEEE. :DAND THOSE THAT ASK ME TO FORGIVE HER, thanks but no thanks. I think about. Maybe its useless to talk to her, :DClaire, YiJia, JiaWen, ChienQin, Vanna, Jocelyn, MingEe, Gabriel, Bernice, Jamie, JiaHao, that passerby
(Hahahs, wink wink.), and others. Which i dont know who. Lmaos.
And that stupiid Deric. Spam me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARMIE!Happy birthday to youuu,Happy birthday to youuu, Happy birthday Happy birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIAWENN!14 years old. Happy anot? :D

I didnt even drag your parents into this. Why bother to make things big?
I very stubborn and hates to lose, so? I like to be right, stubborn and irratating.
But i dont like to drag my parents into this. You also say you hate your mother. So you are no better,
i got say you treat me like dog uhs? Prove leh. I dog, 100% not your dog. You warn me i scared arhs? Like you are some bigass that is scary. You always say '...You better watch out' or '...
Not blackmailing then is what?
The problem is me, so?
Need to drag every other things you can find and shoot me back issit? FINE.
First ;you say is the yongshun thing,
Second ; Lawrence thing,
Third ; the animal thing,
Fourth ; You say my friends
Fifth ; You insult my looks.
Sixth ; You started calling me 'biatch'
Hello? You want to add the list? You are welcome to. I know i say '...your school tio H1N1..' I mean, like you cared about your school. Okeh, i sorry. BUT i didnt use the 5letter word CURSE.
Want me to help you spell? it C-U-R-S-E. The 5letter word that means alot.
Yarh, i know i dont want the 'friendship' to continue. Look at the situation now. You are jumping to conclusion. Cannot just stick to the main reason issit? Is it so difficult that you can use any thing that comes to your small mind and anyhow shoot? Whatever.
But you are wrong at one thing. I earned something. I know your true colours and you know mine. And please mind your language. always say i mind my language, but yours is no better.
And you know what.
W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R! Are you angry now?

Saturday, July 4, 2009 11:02 AM
Hahahs, found this link at Chemistry lesson. Hahahs, cause ChiangAhChoo's class too boring.
The only this i wrote on the 4worksheet she gave is my name. Hahahs!
Bernice, JiaWen found new URl to change. Hahahs! THANKS GIRLLS! :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 7:02 PM
You say i step cute, then you leh? Step lian.Step until so pro bodoh! Want be AhLian arh? Go ahead. I step cute not so pro like you, step lian+cute.You say i stepper? What about you?
Act xiong for what? People call to settle, you dont want say what '..waste of saliva&time&breath..' talk crap larh! Scare then say. Always use prepaid as a bloodyhell excuse.You insulted my look. What about yours? Hey , it's not like as if you didn't send me hurtful messages okay , dont step like as if you're so innocent , kapui . Eat your shit la , small eye bird . And , i'm not so petty like what you said. I dont get angry for no rhyme of reason , i have patience , not like you . Petty little freak , go to your petty petty petty little world la , bitch . Step cute , wear glasses like grandma still want come here talk cock with me . (You wear glasses like grandma , not my business , i happy happy i write la . ) Who are you to scold me ? You want make friends go ahead la , you're not my property what , Ew and who wants you . Only pahjiao people would want ba . I angry at ys is my problem . You dont understand just shut up trap . You act like as if you know me and him very well but in fact you dont ! You're just trying to step like as if you know eveything , what a stepper . So what if my mind's small , like yours is big , ew .
Yarh, is like i'm the only one that send hurtful messages. I got step until i so innocent(like you claim), hahahs! I got step uhs? You leh? Kapui until no saliva larh. Kapui into your mouth jam, dont need to talk crap.
I eat shiat, you leh? Shiat better than your face. Chocolate cake nicer then your fugly face. I small you leh? Smaller right?! I got say you petty arhs? Is you call me petty larh! Get your freaking facts right!
I dont get angry for no rhyme of reason " No rhyme of reason?! Is this what you call english? No rhyme? I dont see a rhyme. The only rhyme i see is your attitude, name, face etc rhyming together like one.
You have patience?! Is patience the right word?
Recap, how you say sorry to me? Still scolding me right?
" Chicken,
i really dun wan we two get seperated larhs , just now my father asked me wht happen between we two , i just said nothing happen , but one thing i really need to tell you , imagine when you v.sincerely said that you are really v.sorry when you didn wan to tell me whathappen , and i replyed a whatever , how would you feel ? If this makes you angry ,
i am sorry but i really need to tell you why i cal-led you cold , i really don wan to lose you as a bff , i am still wanting to celebrate out one-year anniversary together with you chicken ,"
You said only 1sorry, enough for me. But you still pissed me off with the bold parts. Whatthecrap, you scolded me 2smses, and 2.5 hour later? You send this. Less than one day. You ask for forgiveness after hurting me.
I am petty, its who i am.
You no creative issit? People say 'angry angry angry little world', you go copy paste 'petty petty petty little world' Copydog sia. Is not i invent one, but you seriouly ran outta ideas issit? I thought you very creative one? Twoheaded snake?
Wah, start calling 'bitch' liao arhs? Hmmm, want me to define the word for you?
hey! I thought you are the twoheaded dog? 1male, 1female. Homo.
I step cute? You leh?
STEP LIAN. Want to be lian arhs? Join larh, who cares.
I wear glasses like ahma, cause trend.
You leh? Glasses so old fashion, mine is branded one. Yours leh? I ahma you leh? Ancient, 90210 era.
Not your business write for? I didnt insult you, you started it.
Then who are you to insult me? Not to mention scold me. You bigger than me you think i scare arhs? I also never say you are my property. Yarh, pahjiao people then want me. You leh? No better, zilian like some dead person. I dont zilian, not your problem. You zilian not my problem. Step lian also cannot, so shut the trap up. FYI, 'shut up trap' is not use like this. Dont know, dont use.
I act like i know him well? Do i sound like i know him that well? Is you barh. When did i sound like i know him well? Only sms a few times call 'close' and 'know him well'.
I am just trying to step like as if you know eveything? Oh, i know everything? Lames, i step like i know everything arh, good arhs, smart marh. :D
Your brain is small, birdbrain marh, mine is human one. Cannot arh? :D
NICOLE PENG , GET THIS RIGHT YOU BITCH! You started everything and now , i apologised you dont wanna forgive me . Dont forgive jiu dont forgive larhs , dont step one si wen la . Eat shit la , cowdung . Hair macham kuku bird . Let me tell you this , we're through . So you can kindly stop acting like a 'good' people cos you ain't one , bitch . Try testing me like that one more time , i'll give you one tight slap .
I started everything eh? So you no fault larh, i still save some of your message, see who started this. See larh, i scared? You call your smses apologising? Read them carefully larh dey.
Machiam also spell wrong. Macham your head larh!
My head kuku bird? Yours leh? Bird shiats. Dog shiats. Elephant shiats. Add together, your hair. So big, then the bun so tiny.
I wanna test you, give slap larh. See who slap worst. Dont talk like you very big like that. Oh wait,