OMG! i'm posting using my dad's extra iPhone O: Its so difficult can? That's why I don't like touch screen phone. :X
Today was the CCA roadshow. Damn tiring, don't know why. Went to meet Kilice at her class straight after school. Went for lunch and our kind Kilice treat us to drinks!! Once in the lifetime opportunity.
okay.. Joke :D Went straight to change and went to my class to show off our awards. Took out the SHINIEST intruments to let the Sec1 to see their reflection
refraction and their teeeeeths :D went to steal Sec1(s) from the CO cause they got so bloody many people there!! Unfair.. our location no good fengshui. -____-Then me and Willie and Fadli got into a debate w the UGs. Fighting over 2 poor Sec1(s). They look damn lost while we continued. In the end, they boh told us say they signed up for CO. -____- and we were all like 'CHEY!!' and walk off finding customers. JiaYing and 1 NCC dude arguing saying why give them leaflets. OMG, they are such a joke ;) Willie and Jiahui, in order to promote band, they start playing songs infront of the UG there. After band, waited for Fadli. Had a conversation w Ameera and Sufiyah :D VERY FUN and I got to say what's on my mind :)
PS I'm really doubting myself at the momment. I can't seem to learn things well
Dontknow whose great idea. -___-
Mr James Tan got twin brother. Famous leh! Appear in Newspaper.
Took from PangPang's blog.
(Serious leh. The 'artist' that drew this is seriously good. Should ask him go Art Club)
Back to school period!
Today first period have PE.
Super malu thing happened. Regret it like crap please. -___-
When warming up, Jamie and the girls found out that i worn my pants the wrong way.
And i didnt notice that.
I ask Mr Tan if i could go toilet and change, he bloody hell say NO. -___- I so hate that word now. N-O.
Then no choice, got to run w embarrassment. Chiong to the front to Jocelyn they all. Surviving the horrible embarrassment. Shiters. Then for the whole 4rounds. Manage to 'flaunt' my new pants. Oh great. I didnt died. Of embarrassment. :D
Played Basketball. Many girls had headaches and cramps. Get well soon! :D
I'm officially 14! Thanks to those that wished me Happy Birthday etc. THANKS!
Changed back to my older skins, weird dark blue. Oh well.. no time. :(
The Rev died on 28December2009! So sad!!
RIP TheRev, RIP! :)
Band KLMWC (some photos):

HONGKONG Girls. Hahahs, Deen and I were like cheering for them. Ahem, no "Wooo" came out! -___-
Lastly, Victoria Institute. I like their uniform colour, so chio! :)
Credits to Pearlyn and her awesome photography skills. ^^