To me.
It anit an holiday for me. D:
Oliver is coming back.
And my beloved neighbours are coming back from Sweden!
2 years no see them is like 4 years!
Im obviously exagerating(?) but Its longgg okeh?!
Its really boring at home.
Sadden D;
I hate BPGHS !
I just dont understand them!
Good for them, can hang out like everyday and i cannot. Stay at home. Either stay at home or have band practices.
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Yay! Just heard from Mummy that Auntie Adeline is bringing her daughters to ViVo tomorrow with us! Yay us! At least got some entertainment lorhh! :D
Mummy even agreed to let me paing my own room to Bluee. Want Black but too goth! She hate it when a room is pitch black. :D
i want Baby Bluee!
Its Perfection!
Xingru going China!
For 3 weeks!
departing Singapore on 31st Oct!
Somemore she is going ALONE!
Bet they dont even like me one bit! When say want to invite me to ViVo.They dont mean it. Anyway, its not exactly their fault. They have things to do Claire is kidda grounded,the rest are busy.Nevermind. i guess im gonna spend the School holidays AT HOME!