Today is "Sian-sation"
Pooooophs. Yawnnnns. ZzZZZzzz.
Get it? Im tired of "Leadership programs".
Today's teacher have a pacticularly funneh name.
"Mr Jolly"
Lols. What kind of name is it?!!
If he is Jolly, Im not.
Im Sleepy during his Chitty-Chatty.
.{Talk about After School}
Recieved Report Books!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! i failed like 2 subjects & rank 25 in class.
Big dots!
I cant believe that im rank 25 in class for since im in Primary 4 liddat!
Laugh all you want.
Imm sadded. Broke a negative record.
But its kidda funneh. 4 years{excluding 'o7} throughout. 25. Lucky number arhh?!
Heard that Valerie is 1st in the Sec1 level. That PIG! :D
She damn Hyper today.
*Laugh Out Loud*
At band was abit fun onleh.
During Mr daniel's lesson was, yes, Funneh. he keep crapping nonsense!
Played "Danza Latina" and he wants us to do FAST.
Then the trumpets having promblem to cope so he made them sing.
*i pity them*
They sing that time was like sian sounding.
"Its a happy song"
Then they sing again.
"Rewind...Its a Happy songg!"
Then the class was laughing. Not at them but at what Mr Daniel said.
*Laugh Out Loud*
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