Dum Dum Dum Dum..
Watch "叮当神探" with Michelle.Tan. :}
"叮当神探" is very funneh and scary! :}
Im scaredy cat for mysteries!
But overall okeh okeh.
Havent watch finish yet so.. cant wait!
Later, Michelle go see my room. i then requested her to help me paint. :P
She help me paint the room damn fast!
<3 her BIG TIMEE!
So good, she got badminton training.
I at home, rotting!
Nobody ask me go out.
Xingru still got school.
Hsien Yong is like an old woman.
Shui Qi cannot go out.
Olivia havent come back
Benjamin is such a pest.
I Miss Chicken and Dorcas! :}
& of course 1A girls larhh.
EXCEPT her. :}
6L peoples!
Go escape or Sentosa okeh?
More the Merrier!
Want know anything, ask Wee. XiHwee!
Organiser of this particular event!