Do quiz. Nth to do.
1) Does people treat you as side dish?
Im not on the menu.
2) What's your favourite thing to do?
Read and strumming session. :}
3)What's your favourite level in your whole life?
Level? Whattheheck!
4) What kind of boyfriend/girlfriend do you want?
5) Is there someone in your heart right now?
Chicken! Just miss her damn freaking much.
6) Do you believe that you can survive without money?
:} Absolutely.
7) Are you afraid of pain?
Hahas, yesh.
8) What do you feel like doing now?
9) If there is someone you love, will you confess to him/her?
NO, cause currently dont have.
10) List 5 people you dislike now.
MY mother, Lucas Peng, Him, her and ____
11) What is your 5 most passionate things at th moment?
?? Whatcha toking about?
12) If you have 3 wishes granted, what will it be?
1)Healthy & Happy forever
2)HER begone!
3)World Peace
13) If you have a chance to be rich or happy, which one would you choose?
HAPPY :} Money cannot buy happiness.
14) If you have th chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
Attitude change.
15) If you are unhappy, what would you do?
Tell her directly.
16) Which country do you like th most?
Switzerland. Got friends there! :}
17) Which is your favourite CCA?
Band and Guitar
19) Is there anything bothering you right now?
*Those who wan to do;Do it :}