Nevermind. Venging(?) my anger on the family computer aint gonna help. Like what am i surpose to do about them? Godd! Mother of Nature! Whatthehell is going on in their tiny brain??!! Thinking that a mere internet security is going to stop me from using the computer? That woman is nuts! Cannot believe them lorhh.. God, i lost alot of folders all thanks to them. Like where am i gonna retreive them back? I cant find them in the recycle bins. &%!%!%)#!#^%!)%!
They need some brain transfer! Stupiid Stupiid Stupiid Kaspersky Internet Security. Scan Scan until files missing! Nabehh.!
Start posting. Band practice was toughh! Mr Daniel is seriously angry, cause we are not adjust to the intruments. Heyy, cannot blame us! 3 months never blow makes a difference. Play Majulah Singapura and BPGHS school song.
We play the School song different. But nicer :}
Got beat marhh. The use of Bass Drum more. Niceeee. :}
The school is nice and big. And design are rather..well, dumb. Okehh, maybe dumb isnt the right word but heyy! I am dumb okehh?! Anyway, during the 10 minutes break, Mr Daniel got "explore" the school awhile. Every school must have the most important thing, a lift. He say that the School hall is 4th floor and there's no lift and thats very 不方便 marhh and if need to bring heavy objects also very challenging lorhh. Very LOL. :}
29 and 30 december got practices also :{
MY birthdayyy! :{