Today was okeh okeh. First period was Chinese, very boring. About 孙悟空, blahblahblah..! After recess was MTRead, stayed in class to read. DnT was fun, tio scolding for not handing my stretchbook.
Mr Lim told us to try to make a table with some of our extra vanguard sheet and 6 plastic straws. Was very funny to see the testing. There were weird figures. One that is a box, made by Ryan, that Mr Lim damn pissed with. There were tables that had "car crash" and went to NUH, religious table(me, ChienQin & YiJia do one, which the round hold is surpose to be a water bottle holder, in the end, it's mistaken for a joss stick holder. Lawls.!), rocket launcher, and other weird and cute tables. But we have 10 champions.!!!
Josh Hutcherson!- ♥♥♥
Watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth" , hot & sexy Josh Hutcherson!- ♥♥♥