Movie Trailer: Brides War. (i Wanna Watchhhhhhhh!)
ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! I today damn damn damn damn damn happeh !! I finally found the blogsong i always wanted . Last XiHwee introduce me. Ohhmigoshhhhhhh! I totally forgotten the title .
Today early morning go find Ms Wee, Search like siao then cannot find so wu suo wei. Then after school go JiaWenn's house crapp with she and Claire. Stay there for awhile then JiaWenn got training. Go home online and blog. Usual routine but today got study, I mature already! :}
Jocelyn MSN me say Ms Wee looking for me. Say she say me irresponsible. Ms Wee say me like that, i give her heck care face. I dont give a damn anyway. I also never volunteer to be Geography Rep, is she anyhow chose me. Let her be, surely embaress me in class say i irresponsible and all sort of bullshit she can think of. Good for her. Whatever, i find her, cannot find then she find me surely cannot larhh! Also never tell me where the hell is the teacher's pigeon hole. Like i very familar the the school like that! Siao lehh, this woman. Aiya, i dont want to ji jiao anymore, let it rest.