3 Febuary
No school, thanks to the graduate Sec 4
Went out with JiaWenn and Claire.

Go Bugis, ate at Mac. Lawls. Actually wanna watch "The Wedding Game" but Claire wanna take neo-prints. So JiaWenn say "如果要neo-prints,不要看。要看,不要neo-prints." (roughly, My Chinese sucks to the coreeeee) Then she make some noise that the "省钱王" make. Very LOL. In the end, take neo-prints. Very expensive okehhh?!! But it was funn. Then go bugis street, first time

Shop Shop Shop, saw a shop that sells both geek specs and SpongeBob Tee. JiaWenn brought geek spec and i brought SpongeBob tee.

4 Febuary
Wait... I forgot what happen.
5 Febuary
Same, i also forgot.
6 Febuary
You old man.
Went out to Chinese New Year Dinner with my dad's friend. Very fun lorhh. Mummy brought my "Rush Hour Deluxe Edition" thank youuus! That Bryan Seah go action, do the last card, "GrandMaster" and Whatthehell, he 5 minutes finish. -.- I Got count okehh Bryan Seah! Played Tic-Tac-Touch on my Dad's iPhone with him. Whatthefishhh, he 36 and me 31. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Yarhh larhh, Bryan Seah, you very li hai larhh). Played "TapTap" with him. HAH! I WIN YOU HORHHH! *weetss.* Then played "DeadBeef" with him, HAH! I am proud to announce that you are a NOOOOB! Thanks youu Thank youus. Lawls, joking cann. Later, i tried the last card "GrandMaster". Move Move, Cannot. He talk alot of bullshiat then i challenge him.
Me: "You do finish the card in 3 minutes, i give you my broccoli. The last broccoli i have, deal?"
B.S: "See who win, i say DEAL"
he move the cars abit then POOF, he win..
Me: "Whatthehell.! "
B.S: "Hand in that broccoli!!!"
See what i mean? He is such a -toooter-! Very reluctant, need give my broccoli. Oh Mannnnn. lawls
7 Febuary
Another old person, no offence. Wahh, i now then relise that alot of people's birthday on Febuary sia. Unlike me, still got 10months++ to go. Sadden.
Went tuition with Michelle, pungsehh that Dorcas. I went to buy french fries okehh!
To Dorcas:
Paisehh for punsehhing you! Whatthehell lorhh you, i last week ask you help me buy fries then you go eat more then half sia, lucky not i pay one :}, Nicholas pay one so i dont blame you sia. Whatthehell, you own me 1 pack of fries!!! (To be more precise, YOU OWN ME 1 PACK OF LONG JOHN SLIVER FRIES!!) Lawls. There, i said my piece girlfriend. :} Dont whack me, again.
Chiongg into tuition center then go find Dorcas. Call her hp, saw her sitting down on the slope. Then saw Nicholas coming, heard some idiot scream (wait, the idiot is her -.-). Talk talk, ask her to turn around, saw me, SCREAMMM! Lawl lorhh she, so bloody cutee. :} Then ran in the tuition center to lock the effing door, and whatthehell lorh that girl, angry me. I run for fun lehhhs, dont mad at me horhh! She went out, then everytime i hear footstep i go sit in the corner. Whatthehell, like i am being hunted by ghost. Dennis tell me that the assholeee Syafiq still at home sleeping, what a pig!
Blahblahblah, 5.15, Dennis left then left me, Michelle, Dorcas and Ming Ee. So freaking silent. SILENT KILLER, when talk got echo one, AWESOME!
Chiong home, That Mr Liew larhh! Drag drag drag until near 6+,Bathe , change, go JB asap. Went JB for my Biao Jiu's wedding. :} When the door open, the "bride" came in running and jumping like wild person like that, everybody tio shocked lorhh. See carefully its my 4th Biao Jiu ban the bride. Very LOL, the zip behind wasnt even closed! Everyone laugh damn loud. Ended at 10+, take group picture then go my Biao Jiu's house. Okehh, i finally get the hang of whose my Biao Jiu. I got 6 Biao Jiu, 2 Biao Jie. Oh mannn, so confusing. I GIVE UP!