Today is the last CT paper! Chinese and it sarks big-timee! Some chen yu dont know how to write ;x
Learn the chen yu meaning but never learn the writing! But xin hao roughly remember some. :D Received English compo today, letter writing, and i got 26/30!! First time i score so high sia. Happyss! :D Received Physics CT paper, and whatthefishh, i fail by 4 marks. In fact i think only have 7 passers. The rest bo hope lerhh ;x and freaking pissed by Nancy Kang. She before every lesson will say "You all will surely fail at this rate." & i was like okehhs larhh, we fail then fail. you say oneee. we very ting your hua onee. lawls. then she start comparing our result with 201 & 203. Andy then start suan her, "Compare us with express for what?". Then she go deny it and like PI arhh!! Ask us write reflection. -'-
After school go see the wall near the staff room (got pictures there) then saw XiaoLing's picture there and Gervan's sister. Maco damn Straightforward lorhh. Go say something about the picture then made me and JiaWenn laugh like siao. lawls.!!!!
Today was damn funn. Ayaka, CQin, Jamie and Jocelyn came to my house to bake cookies. In the end, my house is a disater(?), lawls. but thanks to Ayaka, CQin and Jamie i no need to clean so long. Lawls.
Now conference with Pek Koon , Ayaka and Jasper. I must say Jasper voice on the phone is like Eugene's. Too xiang lerhh!. ;x
Okehss, bye.