Siannnn, very siannn. Tuition was crapp! Mr Liew go pick on me for no freaking reason but i dont give a freaking damn :}
Saboed alot of people and very happy about it. *Weetss! :3
Saboed: Edmund, Syafiq, Ming Ee and Dorcas! Mwhahahaha, feel my wrath or whatever shit that describe my action. Hahahas, they dont mind, at least thats what i think so. ._. Walk home with Michelle and Edmund. Walk a big round then headed to minimart then go home. Edmund is damn ahem ahem, Michelle also. They both talk about their P6 class, i was like ermss..hahahahhs, hilarious. Why Pearlyn and Don never tell me arhhh?. See, i was PA-THETIC. Edmund say he P6 kick someone's nut, what was his name again? But that was really damn hilarious. :}
Chiong home, Mummy told us we going to Marché, Yumms! Went Vivo. My earbudds! I think i left it in Pinnacle. ._.
Results: Happy, happy Nicole..
Chat with Chicken, discussing about our meeting up plan. :}
Told Chicken that there is a high possibilty that i am taking up Badminton lessons again. :} Yippees!