Have to leave at 10.45 so ask either Claire or Jiawenn to take over me. :}
Went to meet Weili at Yewtee MRT, suppose to walk to Junda's house downstair then meet him but he sarker lorhhs, father go send him to lotone. Then meet Weili, in case she sian. Abit late, SORRY WEILI! ;x
Wait for Junda then walk to school with them. Went to class blahblahblahh.
Game start at around 8.15++, everyone hyperr. Woootss!!!
First game: We played against 203(1). Won
Second game: Semi-finals, against 201(1) Won
Third game: I never play, cause need go get ready for band.
Jasmine fainted awhile, i admit, i thought it was fake cause i never see people faint before, i admit and im guilty. ;x Jasmine! Sorry i doubted youu! I am badd girl. :{ then later ask PekKoon for money to help buy Jasmine something to eat cause my wallet say bye-byee(no money). I ran, nearly knocking down 4 person in a row. ._. retard me, like that also cann knock. ._. Brought two hotdog only. Brought liao then chiong to the toilet to change, band tee and pant, YIKES! Slack awhile then go set intruments. Set liao then Sec2 logistic need go up to arrange chair. Went up with JiaHui. Hall was crowded, but not as crowded as the Soccer there. Sec1 playing their floorball. Set chairs then wait for the rest of the band members to come up to practice. MY CHAIR WAS NEAREST TO THE DAMN STAIRS! SCARE I PI-PANG-POM! Played Aladdin and Under the flag of Glory. lawls, after the songs, saw 2A girls going up to get trophy so use this excuse to talk to the girls awhile (i didnt know if i was suppose to go and take the trophy) then Claire tell me that they won. I happy larhhs, but also wondering why they all so quiet.
Merrick, Go see Jasmine's cbox. i wanna hear what you say. Seriously,Jasmine, i bet everyone will be touch after seeing what you done to help us achieve a gold for Soccer, you pushed away your unwellness to play alongside with the 2A girls, you help us achieve a gold, therefore, I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED BY WHAT YOU DID, and you nearly scare the wits out of me. Dont, never, i forbid you to ever forget to eat before any games, i bet most of the girls will say that too. i sorry that i dodnt buy enough food for you. Haiis, i blame myself for that, ! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! <33>
Dont act dua please, i am kind enough to say please liaos so yarhs. i just wanna ask you, have you make a mistake before?