Back from camp, and i really enjoyed it! :}
I'm from Group 9 together with Deric, LinQi, JunDa, Rachel and other people who i dont know.
In the end, group 9 teamed up with group 10.
Luckily for me, group 10 has Claire, Gabriel and Zharfan.
Took the same bus with them and gossip with them, DAMN FUN!
Arrived Pasir Ris Park at about i dont know when! ;x
At Pasir Ris Park
First game:Dry games. We played the 'husband and wife' game. Everyone in the team (group 9&10) is very very very reluctant to hold hands! Cause the rule is every boy must hold hands with a girl. -'-
Gabriel go guailan the teacher saying: "i hate you leh!" Then the trainer say "do you really hate me that much?" Gabriel then say "Yarh". Then the trainer pull Gabriel to Mrs Neo. hahahs.
Our trainer name is Ivin(?); he is damn funny!
Then Ivin gave us some teamwork games. Damn challenging! hahahs!
Second game:
Butterhill. This is like my fave! Its very very very challenging and it requires alot alot alot of teamwork and brains. Junda was the leader so he needs to think alot. Too badd! hahahs, alot of boys very kaisu then tried running up the hill and its damn slippery so alot of people fell. Me, JiaHui and JiaYing tried taking turns to climb up. We fell. Tumbling down like some retards. Tried with other girls and she fell on my leg! I think it broke! Hmmph!
In the end, we thought through the ways of getting up the hill. HUMAN PYRAMID! So 4 people at the bottom, 3 on top the bottom people, 2 on the top.
Me and Le Xuan was on the top. I was only temporary, i helped 3 people go up then i climp my way up. :}
Poor Le Xuan, still struck there. Hahahs,
In conclusion, THE GAME WAS REALLY REALLY FUN, except the fact that soap went into my eyes, pain! TT
We really made used of the 1hour given, everyone was up. Had alot of difficulties pulling her up. And pulling HaoHan and Jiaying and others that is willing to sacrifice by facing down is damn tiring!
Sat near the water refill place, Ivin go bluff those that coming to refill bottle say 'dont have liao!' Hahahs, laughing our heads off!
Third game; the last one:
Build the raft thing. Givin only 20minutes to assemble the darn raft to float. Hahahs,
My group finished first, we set sail our raft first cause the other team took very long. :/
My legs' wound really hurts!
Sea water sarks! ;x
Then when we went to land, i emptied my shoe, found alot of seaweed in my shoes. My school shoe spoiled. ._.
4.30pm left the park. Still, walked barefooted to the bus.
Sat with Claire, Zharfan, Gabriel and Deric. Gossip-ed alot with them, and saw Gabriel and Deric spar. Deric call Gabriel 'soggy balls' then Gabriel call Deric 'three musketeers, legend of the blahblahblahh' . Gabriel say that his birdie might be bleeding cause he say it hurts! Lmaos! Deric was like damn worry, lawls!
But it was fake. Duhhhh!
In the school
Had dinner.
But the trainers have alot of packets of rice left.
So almost the whole Sec2 is running for the second packet.
I gave my extras to JunDa and co. They ate my within minutes. -.- Hungry ghosts!
the trainers boiled us some hotdogs. Niceeee.
Had camp'fire'. Slept in tent with JiaHui, JiaYing, ZiYing and other people.
Limited of space to move, stinkingly hot and humid. That the very words that describe experience in the tent! Not my first but i still dont really like this.
Me, JiaYing and JiaHui didnt really sleep. 10 minutes sleep is all i had. All awhile, i'm staring to nowhere. Walked around on some occasion.
Bathed at 3.30am together with JiaYing and JiaHui -in different cubicles-.
Went back to the tent and around 4am, its damn cool!
Me and JiaHui slept until 5am. At least better than nothing. Hahahs. Assemble for morning assembly, went for breakfast and ate Nasi Lemak.
Then the trainers dismissed us to our class for bazaar around i dont know when.
The teacher let us sleep. The rest of the girls slept on the floor while i slept of the table (cause got fan above me!) .
Dismissed us and went to lotone to eat with JiaWen, Claire and Bernice.
FINALLY, decent food atlast!