Hahahahhs, i like first time MIA sia.
Finish blogskin findingg.. Woohooo! Hahahhs, Simple barhh?!
The song is hott! By 強辯+武虎將+東城衛, theme song of 終極三國.
Sunday was damn fun. Syrafiq kena bully by yours truely. :} He is tooo weak compare to me! :B hahahs, joking uhs. Jun Guan is my accomplice together with Mr Liew. Hahahs, support me !! Too bad Saturday class not as fun as Sunday, cause Science very slack. :}
Its like this:
I go hide S's bag in JunGuan's big bag. Then S stupiid stupiid dont know that his bag missing. When i go out, S go hide my bag, so freaking lamee! Then i go blurf him saying that his bag inside mine, so S took my bag and check. So that retard S tio blurffed by me. Hahahhs, this is the smart work of Nicole Peng!
*Thanks You thanks youuu!
Aiya, time limit liaos, byeeeee
Today's chinese confirm fail. Wish me luck for the rest! :B
& Ming Ee, dont say my blog emo lehh, hahahhs, bo time to update update marhh! :P
1 more video,
終極三國裡的馬超RAP, try saying it faster then the rapper.
JiaYouus, hahahahs, mine? Dont assk. Unsuccessful. Rawrhh! My neighbour say damn accurate but not fast enoughh, haiis. i born to suck in chinese onee. Hahahsh,