Mid-Year-Exams is historyy! Rock on peoplee!
hmmmm, mother unlock the -time limit- thingy liao, freaking happy!

Today went out with Chicken and her friends, lawls.
So piaseh, dont know them sia. So happy to see chicken again! Hahahs, miss her TT
Haiis, she in my school can liao, ;x hahahs,
After exams need to stay back in school for some idiotic Sec2 camp briefing, bored to death. I was telling the lady (mentally) to 讲重点,就讲重点吗。Hahahs, she seriously need to say the important things instead of keep repeating the motive of the camp. Keep repeating, i pekcek liao. ;x
And and and i realised that the beach we are going during the 2D1N camp is at the Pasir Ris park there. Walauuu, remind me of my P4 leadership camp (I prefect leh! Want to bet?), the most suey camp i go. Junda and WeiCheng should know, cause they also attend the camp. Hahahs, the first night then rain so heavy, then almost all the tent flooded, mine group was one of them. TT Esther's tent was worst, hers flip and topple. Hahahs, back to the point, I was like OMG! I KNOW THAT PLACE EXCEPT THAT I DONT REMEMBER IT CALL A BEACH!! Hahahs, that so random. Rawrhhs!
After the briefing chiong to the back of the hall for band thingy. Met up with KengNing, WeiLi and Junda. Then started chatting about our P5 camp and fun it was, Hahahs, our P5 camp got the mud track and i fell 3 times, and all thanks to the short guy, hold hand is to prevent people from falling but in the end, no use, i plop down to the mud, trying to get up also difficult!! Rawrhhs, Anyways, then chiong down to the photo taking area. Thanks KengNing for the tie! :}
At the photo taking place, i was telling Gabbiew not to look like a penguin anymore, seriously funny! Hahahahs, then he go show me his fugly face. ._.
After photo taking then Ms Ow ask us to stay back, i was !@#$%^&*() and seriously angry! I want to meet Chicken marhhh. TT Stay outside Art Room, so bored. Went in to the IPW room, got some uncle look alike there pretending to be Mr Ong by saying "Write me a statement on why you blahblahblahhh" Funny sia! Kicked Gabbiew then i ziao liao, :}
Met Chicken with her friends, Hahahs,
Hmmm, i dont know why we keep walking around like some tourist and Chicken owe me pocky! She very self-service nia, hahahs, i used to it liao, her habits and what she gonna say next i know liao, ;x hahahs, jokes jokes.
3pm then go home liao because too boring at West Mall. Hahahs, joked with Chicken and her friend at MRT there, and (not surprising) Chicken manage to embarrassed herself when laughing. She laugh laugh then look up hit 1 man's face. Then the man's wife(i think) go hold her husband hand thinking that we trying to hit him or what! Hahahs, ended up laughing freaking lot. :}
Enjoyable day with Chicken and her friend. :}
Oh, got Xuan Ping's number, i forgot him until saw Chicken's phone and was thinking, 'Xuan Ping? So familar..' then remember he from YTPS. Hahahs,