Today went to badminton at Warren, saw Tanya. She's from school onee. Hahahs, another alumni other than Hester. Hahahs.
Went to tuition, MingEe and Joycelyn both sms me say got some guy and the other girl like couple, ask me hurry to tuition. Lmaos.
Tired sia! Havent eat, rawrhhs!
Then chat with MrLiu with MoJo's death, he mention he was ONCE a fan but his parents object. Lmaos! :D
Then gossip with MingEe, (the owner of the 'Moo Moo Milk' blog), saying the same things, funny sia! he gossip king sia, tsk tsk. Hahahs.
Surpose to go sectionals, but Felicia overslept because she 2am sleep BECAUSE she watching Transformer2! Rawrhhs!
But we decided to watch. Me, Weili, KengNing and some of KengNing's friends. Waited like sibeh long, but i dont care, i must watch that darn show, waited for like a year. Stupid right?! Hahahs, watched at Westmall.
Shiok! 10thumbs up if i got 100fingers, Hahahs. Alien.
Funny sia, but got some ... scenes. KengNing say very cold, hahahs, then a jacket popped outta of nowhere.
Weili infleuence me to love SuperJunior's Sorry Sorry. The hunks, lawls.
Kidda glad you didnt come, and super glad that i made new friends. Oo