Today first day of school, bloodyhell boring.
Hahahs, Gabriel told me he cannot sleep for 3days3nights. Because of the 'Drag Me to Hell'. Lmaos!
JiaWen&Claire came to my house, hahahs, on the way brought shirts, all same design but different colour. Sweet~ Then Claire want Bernice to buy the same design but other colour. So yes yes! :D
I brought blue, JiaWen brought white, Claire brought black and Bernice buy grey. Exchange if not happy with the colour. Change Change. Hahahs,

Candid with JiaWen and Claire with my webcam. Hahahs, some are seriously unglam shiat. :D

Longated. Hahahs, Totally unglam, for some. Hahahs,
Claire is proud of her big eyes, JiaWen is looking for her big eyes, i am looking for a small eye. Hahahs, random. :D