#97 Majorly Apologetic
Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:39 PM

Majorly sorry for the
not-updating-my-blog thing. ;D
Cause nothing to post! Hahahs.
Now totally addicted to: 命中注定我愛你
I can really swear that once you watch it, you WILL get addicted.
- 阮經天(Ji Cun Xi) is a TOTALLY hot actor. His acting rocks.
- 陳喬恩(Chen Xin Yi) acting is damn good.
Hahahs. Me and JiaWen LOVE 阮經天.
ps/ Pig, i update lerh horh! ^^
I LOVE 妹妹们s!
#96, I hate google
Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:34 PM
Today seriously got pissed off by the internet.
Google, my ass!
Facebook, my ass!Google suck cock! Any blog also cannot go.
What '403 forbidden'?! I FORBID YOU TO EVER START YOUR COMPANY LARH! Freaking ass. Everything is seriously wrong today and the internet is giving me more problems. YARH LARH! My fault larh!
Pissed the hell outta me!
Still give me 'We're sorry...' Sorry got cure meh? If sorry works, why is there a need for police?! Give me sorry larh! I kick you farfar. Server, you suck!
Today is the last rehearsals for tomorrow's NDP.Walauu! I this morning wake up at 530am for no freaking good reason! I cannot even go back to sleep.
I'm like well-known in my house for being able to lie on the bed and sleep almost instantly. Then i lost my 'reputation' ;x
Then i have to wait until 645 then allowed to leave the house
(my mother thinks its a dangerous world out there and i totally agree)Met WanTing and crap
my our way to school as usual,
saw Felicia and make fun of her. ;D
blahblahblahblahhh..Chinese lesson that time went to library! :D
Browse through some old old yearbook from BP. Mr Tan got hair that time seh! Cute! ;x
Band is atleast fun.
But not exactly larh. Hahahs. Lazy to elaborate, bye!
i hate google.
#95, 9+5=14!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:58 PM
Hey all!Today went to school with that WanTing. -.-
She crapper's maid sial! Hahahs. ;D
Hmmm, we comparing height, she keep saying me shorty and then gossip about
ahemahemm.. MrTan(PE teacher)hahahs. Apparently, she dont like him, i
okehokeh. Lmaos!
PrisonOfficer ehh!
Hahahs. Thinking hard about something. Pissed the hell outta me! ;x
MUSIC! Wakau,
the best joke of the day in 2A. Ms SuzzanaLee
(i dont know and never will care) flare up sia! We all there laughing at her wrinkled face. When she bring Ruben out of the class to see Tiger, we all burst out laughing.
Naturally. Hahahs. PRO!
Then she came in we all diamdiam, still laughing. Hahahs!
I wish i had a video! ;DAssembly, the sec1s doing some drama.
I personally love the last one. I was laughing and crying at the same time. Too funny! The Captian Screw's accent was freaking shiat funny!
'For you info, i just said ...'
Laughing shiat! Stomach hurts!
Thankgod! I love today. Except that i got something itchy in my throat. I cannot tahan! Lucky drink alotalot of water then no more. :}
#94, 2009biggestjoke
Monday, August 3, 2009 6:56 PM
Back to posting. ;D
Our class funniest joke.
(to me & JiaWen, if you dont find it funny, diamdiam)--#1. Merrick. He do the whistle thingy, then
1huge drop of saliva drip down! SHHHHHHHHHHH~
#2. JiaWen. Her dramatic fall during PE in the middle of the field. She and Jamie snatching the frisbie. Because earlier JiaWen push Bernice down when catching the frisbie, now Jamie do the same to JiaWen. JiaWen's fall sibeh dramatic. Fall down, then stay there lying. BOOM!
#3. JiaWen again. She, Jocelyn, Claire and Vanna having this picnic thingy. Then she brought everybody's but she herself never bring. -.- Somemore she wake up so early just to prepare. When reach school, her mother call and tell her that she eating the bread in the container. JiaWen was like 'WTF! I FORGET!'
Damn suey today! Hmphh!I
hate that indian auntie at the general office. She and the bucktooth auntie seriously piss me off.
BANGALA freaking biatches. -.-
Today after recess need to assemble at the courtyard. Then i bring food for Jocelyn with Bernice. Then suey suey we get caught by that ass auntie.
Keep looking at us until we go to the canteen. -'-
Then say 'I want you to go by that stair so i can see you at the canteen', then keep asking me to hurry hurry. I shouted at her. Wait awhile will die meh? Her job at risk meh?! -'-
GuaiLan so much.
Then after assembly, i eating at the stairs there. Then see call my name, wth!
Then pass the bread to AndyQuek (thanks!) then talk talk. Act blur. ;x
Book my name larh! I care arhs?!
YOU BIG F*** MEH?! Small fish only. STFU!
Omg, i'm pissed! -.-