Our class funniest joke. (to me & JiaWen, if you dont find it funny, diamdiam)
#1. Merrick. He do the whistle thingy, then 1huge drop of saliva drip down! SHHHHHHHHHHH~
#2. JiaWen. Her dramatic fall during PE in the middle of the field. She and Jamie snatching the frisbie. Because earlier JiaWen push Bernice down when catching the frisbie, now Jamie do the same to JiaWen. JiaWen's fall sibeh dramatic. Fall down, then stay there lying. BOOM!
#3. JiaWen again. She, Jocelyn, Claire and Vanna having this picnic thingy. Then she brought everybody's but she herself never bring. -.- Somemore she wake up so early just to prepare. When reach school, her mother call and tell her that she eating the bread in the container. JiaWen was like 'WTF! I FORGET!'