He shuai right? That Andy Quek and Jia Hao dont believe.
This handsome dude is 陳德修
Yesterday pigcumber go say Edmund the almond is handsome. 

MingEe has something jam in his brains.
怪咖就说帅. Tsktsk.
Today i got go band!
Physics. Mr Robin Ng got come! Monday Ms Kang say he MC. Then i ask which hospital. So siasuey larh!
Then during his class, we talking about the 命中注定我爱你's 5minute bed scene. With the rockets and train and everything. Andy go extra say what he watch porn 30minutes not enough. Me and JiaWen were like

Homecons. Got scolding from Mdm Yati! Cause pratically everyone in her class forgot there's sandwich making competition. Had lessons outside the class.
--After school stayed back after school to redo the ceramic plates. All three! Oh my

Chitchat with Jocelyn and JiaWen after we finished the plates.
Went to band after that.
This is ko3anguo's map thingy to make things abit clear for the newbie that just started watching ko3.anguo.