They look kinda alike dont you think?
Received results today.
Not satisfying. Yeah, alot of people cried
. Yeah, alot of people ran to the teachers and ask whats wrong
. Yeah, many people were cursing and swearing at the marker

Man, i hate this time of the year, where the EOY results are revealed. Crushing our dreams. Hahahs, i sound posh ain't I? ^^ Neh, its fake. I am just trying to sound smart. Yeah, I'm smarter than MingEe. Duh.
Maths is everyone's biggest challege I might add. So this year's highest scholar for Maths is: ZhengHui. Congrates dude! Next is Bernice, again. She is so lucky during the EOYs didn't you notice? Hmmmm, what secret? :X I didn't get as high as anyone but its above average, so it's passable. Yeah, happy to pass and be above average.
Today did the final planning for bazaar cause I'm not free tomorrow and Friday is the bazaar itself so it's kinda of rushy. Felicia say the bazaar thingy is a valid reason to not go band, so, LONG LIVE FELICIA. I been exeptionally nice to her lately, dontknow, maybe because of her broken arm finger?