Hey ho! Exams are round the corner, yikes..
Sadly, cannot upload pictures. Will do it later, i guess.
061009; Tuesday
Mrs Chiang's class had their Homec Pratical. And my class have our LAST homec lesson.
Teamed with Bimbo, Danielle, and had a hell out of time. He keep asking me to wash the plates. -.-
He slacker sia.
NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT partner him.
Last period was effing fun! We had free-period, then everyone is throwing their soft-toys.
071009; Wednesday
Went to JiaWen's house for lunch. ^^ Surposed to go to lotone and eat bianmian. But Claire wasnt feeling well so ate at 7-11 instead.
081009; Thursday
Woke up late. REALLY LATE, like 7am waking up late.
Chiong to school, saw JiaWen and Melvin(i think). Then Melvin talk like grandmother, fairytales..
He and his smart talk. *roll eyes!
091009; Friday
ARGHHH! Exams are on Monday!
You know, i would love to see a country with no difficult exams for a starter.
After school, went home with Bimbo and co.
Then Bimbo and co. going to eat at 7-11.
Then he that idiot keep chanting: "Me plus you.. Me plus you.. ME PLUS YOUUU.."
Can tell he really LOVE the song.
Went to 302 busstop. And homed.
091009; Friday
ARGHHH! Exams are on Monday!
You know, i would love to see a country with no difficult exams for a starter.

After school, went home with Bimbo and co.
Then Bimbo and co. going to eat at 7-11.
1. WenZhen keep pissing me off with his assy-smart talk.
2. ZhengHui is seriously hyper.
3. Gabriel is like a gay (usual).
4. JieEn is freaking quiet, and weird! (He listen in his earpiece with his phone OFF)
Majorly weird.
Intro ZhengHui to my new favourite song "One Time" by Justin Bieber.Then he that idiot keep chanting: "Me plus you.. Me plus you.. ME PLUS YOUUU.."

Can tell he really LOVE the song.

Went to 302 busstop. And homed.