Went to Escape, and i guess i cannot possibly make this post any shorter so be prepared for a wordy post.
Met Jamie, Claire, JiaWen, Bernice, CQin, PekKoon, ZhiYong, Simon, ChengYang, Marvin, Danielle, Sophia and YiJia. That effing Gaby Tan keep asking everyone to wait for he and Gervan, so bloody long please. Then we went off w/o them

Got abit lost, keep asking some freaking retarded questions there, and it's my first time there okay?! Dont be shocked, so xiasuey can?

Went to the viking. So fun! But genting one is da BEST. But the viking was so freaking fun until we sat that ride dontknow how many times, lost count and its the beginning only. Then we went to the huanted house, split into two groups (3girls, 2boys - Bernice, JiaWen, Me, ZhiYong, Danielle). Once we stepped in, JiaWen the brave took the lead and I was grabbing Bernice's bag. She keep screaming, every step we took, she scream and i follows her and scream. I wasn't looking at the 'display' I was staring at Bernice's bag.

Went again into the huanted house. Still as scared but this time w Marvin. He broke something then made ChengYang and Simon fall. Typical.

Went to the go kart w Jamie, PekKoon, Gaby and Gervan, waited for 1hour, then Danielle came to cut our queue. We let him. Then we started betting on which kart will reach first but no money was involve cause Gaby owe me alot alot of money. I bet on 23. No bumping was allowed and i bumped Jamie. Sorry! But you have to admit, my parking is reasonable.

Went to huanted house again, this time, one officer will follow at the back and he keep pulling my bag. I was freaked out. Then when we reached the end, ran out with our life, L I G H T ! Then i had to go first, my dad fetching me.

PS/ I'm a sucker for horror related stuff