Heyho. Back from Australia, Sydney and Gold Coast. One word: AWESOME.
Alot happened there, and i'm like lazy to type it all out. Yeah, thats me, the lazy one. ^V^Pictures are taking so bloody long to upload. What a joke. -____-
Arrived at Sdyney's International Airport at 8am (Sdyney is 3hours earlier than Singapore).
1.Taronga Zoo

We only had like 20minutes to "explore" the zoo, cause we are in a rush to visit many other places. We took a cable care to the top of the zoo and walk our way down. There's lots of people there. Mostly Japanese students. Saw a few animals on the way down. My mum was fasinated by the plants there. Say "Very well grown" and "Very colourful". LOL.
2. River Cruise

PS I took lots of picture of their houses. X.X
Second Day
1. Blue Mountain

Okay, its also known as "Three Sister Mountain". First we took this train down the steep slope, my mother was so freaked out, my brother was laughing and screaming. It was so cool! Everyone's reaction was like "WOW! So niceeeee" or "Eh eh! Take the camera noww!". Hahahs.

2 Lunch

Fish and Chips! The tour guide said that the Fish and Chips here is very nice.
3. Sdyney Aqaurium
Sadly, no pictures cause our camera battery run out. O:
The way they show the animals is very creative. And its very big! O: Like underwater world.
Third Day
1. Sdyney Wildlife.

Can you find the insect?
Four facts about the koalas-
- The first meal a baby koala eats is its mother's dropping (TRUE: They must do this to get the bacteria they need to digest the gum leaves)
- Koala is a bear (FALSE: Koalas are marsupials. Their nearest relative are the wombats)
- Koalas seem to be sleepy is because they are drunk on Eucalyptus oil (FALSE: Koalas naturally lead a low energy lifestyle to match their low energy diet)
- Koalas rarely drinks (TRUE: They get most of their fluid from the gum leaves)

These are also the famous animals of Australia. The kangaroos and the kukabura.