Claire and JiaWen came to my place to bake butter cookies.
Hell yeah, it was a success.

So sad that the other girls cannot make it. Oh well, next time i guess?

Claire and JW came around 130 (i think). They look so effing surprise when they saw me at the traffic light. LOL. Stunned much?
They helped me buy my lunch and some ingredients needed to use but too lazy to go down buy. LOL

Ate our Mac and look at JW's priceless expression when we are eating our Mac. Mac is too hard to resist. ^V^
Gave her two wings cause i too full, dang that fries!!
Watch My Queen and i was PRATICALLY drooling over Song Yun Hao.

While JW is drooling over Lu-Ka-Si. Eh eh! Song Yun Hao is hotter okay?

When the scene where Song Yun Hao and Lu-Ka-Si fighting, we were screaming while poor Claire didnt know whats going on. Sorry girl, major idol fans going physco mode. LOL

Keep repeating the part where JiaJia was slapped. WOOO!!

Started baking, hell yeah, it was tough!
When the cookies were out, decorate and admire them. LOL

It was not bad for a first try, LOL. But it was colourful like hell. Claire and JiaWen love it,
11 December 2009
Went to the movies w Dee, MingEe and Almond. Tuition buddies. LOL.
Met at lotone, and took MRT to Causeway. Dee sauddenly notices that we went to wong line. WTF! Chiong out to the opposite line, no one even notice. Wah heng..

When up to the cinema and saw her. MingEe was screaming like a mad pig and say that she gave him goosebumps and nightmare. His expression was PRICELESS.

Saw MingEe and Almond freezing their butts off in the movie. LOL
Played at Timezone and spend money like craze

12 December 2009
Met up w Tanya and went to lotone and shuttle-d to Warren. We were kinda blur in lotone. Forgotten where Aries was. O:
Brought band w her ^^ Cute like hell.
Shuttle-d to Warren at 130. Played w KangTze and Brandon after a long time. Hahahs and played w Hester and (i dontknow her name!!)

Continued playing match till 5.45pm. Tired like crap, but it was fun. ^^
Dad fetch me and went to OrchadRoad w family. Brought our XMas present.

Whatthefuck, stop fucking yelling at me at the smallest shit larh please. -'-