Shucks! I'm still stuck in this internet conection lousy place. :(
Oh well, i just bear w this lagging-every-5seconds-computer.
This sucks! LOL.
But had lots of fun here in M'sia too. Lazy to elaborate.
Anyways, it 27Dec today so it means that my big day is coming in just 3days time!! WOOOOOOO! *Jump around like a crazy person
Hahahs, finally its coming. You have no idea the agony of waiting for your big day to coming and its on the second last day of the year. The agony? Its unbearable!! :(
Lately busy w band stuff. Oh Oh, i was tortured in our KLWMBC trip by the 2 lovely seniors of mine, they and their sacaristic remarks for so mean! -____- Had to make promis but got something at the back that says "..except on my birthday larh" Smart. ^^
Anyways, i want presents!! LOL. Oh shucks, i need to let my 'dear' cousins use the comp. Fighting for the computer aint easy.