Blogging @ M'sia. :D The connection here isn't good at all. :( Hangs every few minutes. Now @ Grandma's place got 3 more computer on standby for the 3 of us (Me and my 2 other cousins) to use. We 3 are computer addicts. The younger ones are craving for the iPhone.
WOW. See what has technology has done to us. :DD
This year didnt had as much angpows as last year!! Oh shucks! I thought i would get like 300$!! Its not possible now. :( Less money then. Oh well, there is still next year.
Just 2 hours ago, I had my first near death experience.
Here is what happened:
My unclesthrew the small firework thingy for a better and nicer effect. When the sparks went down. It landed on me. Ran for my bloody precious life. My mum and the rest laughing @ me. Even commenting on my running skills. -____- 10 minutes passed, I got hit by the fireworks sparks again. This time, i saw my life flashed before me. Literally. Ran for my life and locked myself w the computer. :DD

Currently watching "The Myth"