Today had EMaths test, failed the first page. Nothing else to say. I got to memorise all the fomulas!! I need to buy bigger memory for my brain. :D Received my Physics class test. Did badly. :( 8.5/40.
Robin Ng: You, as a physics rep, how can you fail?! Not to mention failed badly.
Me: I also never say i wanted to be a rep. You chose one leh!
Robin Ng: FINE FINE. We next time chose another one. Me: YAY!
English - Recess - MotherTougue - Read.
After school went to meet XiHwee. :DD Chat all the way w her, go her house and chat. Ooooh, i missed her. 3years since we last hanged out. Hahahs. :DD She tell her school stuff, i tell her mine. Went home @ 4pm. :DD
Faked bitch. Make up stories. -___- Lowlife.

Watching Hi My Sweetheart. <3