Effing cute :D Today stayed back after school to start on the sports day stuff. Banners, and shakey shakey(s). Ayaka's wallet gave me an inspiration! 3A = tree ehh. Cute right? Yes, thank you. Went to makan w Jasmine, PuiYee and Ajiki, sat w Ah Bird cause he lonely. LOLOL. I stole Ajiki's drink, wah, i so smart. Tsktsk. Started on the banner and doodle like a 4year old. (Too bad we are :() Chatted w Ajiki on some stuff and gossip together w JohnXian. Funny. YapYapJin came and he and JohnXian began to gossip like old woman. O: The girls like shocked, this two boys can gossip pretty well. The topic is damn joke. I realised that sometimes knowing too much is not good at all. Cause i know wrong stuff. :S
They started reading my HOT magazine and that YapYap tore my page out!! -____- KIlL HIMMM.. Then for some reason