Hell Yos.
Today is the last CT paper! Chinese and it sarks big-timee! Some chen yu dont know how to write ;x
Learn the chen yu meaning but never learn the writing! But xin hao roughly remember some. :D Received English compo today, letter writing, and i got 26/30!! First time i score so high sia. Happyss! :D Received Physics CT paper, and whatthefishh, i fail by 4 marks. In fact i think only have 7 passers. The rest bo hope lerhh ;x and freaking pissed by Nancy Kang. She before every lesson will say "You all will surely fail at this rate." & i was like
okehhs larhh, we fail then fail. you say oneee. we very ting your hua onee. lawls. then she start comparing our result with 201 & 203. Andy then start suan her, "Compare us with express for what?". Then she go deny it and like PI arhh!! Ask us write reflection. -'-
After school go see the wall near the staff room (got pictures there) then saw XiaoLing's picture there and Gervan's sister. Maco damn Straightforward lorhh. Go say something about the picture then made me and JiaWenn laugh like siao. lawls.!!!!
Today was damn funn. Ayaka, CQin, Jamie and Jocelyn came to my house to bake cookies. In the end, my house is a disater(?), lawls. but thanks to Ayaka, CQin and Jamie i no need to clean so long. Lawls.
Now conference with Pek Koon , Ayaka and Jasper. I must say Jasper voice on the phone is like Eugene's. Too xiang lerhh!. ;x
Okehss, bye.
Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away. -Thomas FullerChangedd blogskin! Changed linkk. Changedd Attitude to things. Changes revolve around us but many dont see. Some people change but some let nature takes its toll. Hahhs, i with the talk about changes. ._.
RELINK ME PEOPLE! :} Thankks arhhh.
Hahh, going tuition in 10 minutes timee. So gonna make it a shortt post. Yesterday was English and Science. XiaSueyyy lorhh, during Science Mohan keep stalling time. Whatthefishhh lorhhs. He threw WenZhen's pencil case then the scissors ended in front of me..at the floor. HENG siall. Okehhs, stop now. BYEEEs.
i later then announce to people i know to relink me

Happy Valentine Day, again.
Went to the Y-Hope concert with YiJia, Jamie and ChienQin. Met new friends, Cristine and Cheryl.
Sec 3 from BPGHS.
Meet those going to the concert at Lot1 KFC. Most of them from BPGHS barhh. Took 190 to Orchard Plaza there. The concert was funn. Everyone damn hyper, jumping up and down. Lawls. Went home damn early to chiong for tuition
, went back with YiJia. While ChienQin & Jamie go Plaza Singapura
. Tuition was okehh okehh, Mr Liew embarrassed himself. Cause we were talking about the Court Case of an Indian lady claiming that she is prosess(?).

Then he started immitating the Lady's video say she very Li hai, go hollywood surely got job since acting so real. ._.
15 Febuary
Went to cut hair, layer. Hair damn short! AUNTIE! WHY YOU CUT SO SHORT?!!! lawls. Went tuition, saw Dennis and Syrafiq waving like a freaking mad person. Say the tuition center not open and i was like "Your acting not as good as the Lady that file lawsuit about exorxise blahblahblah." When open, go in lorhh, Mr Liew go show off his magic trick. ._. HAO LIAN! Syrafiq like demanding to know the tricks like a dogg.! :P

Like a Dogg yeah? A Dogg hiding in the corner ;x

Different right? :} I think Dorcas will be laughing her head off.
16 Febuary
Got school, BORING. Tomorrow got bandd. XiaSueyy. ;x
Looking at the days we shared... Lawls. Things are so lawls. Childish, lame are the words that discribe 6L'o7. *Weets.*
5L and 6L have not much change after two other idiots joined us. PSLE, we still slack, haiizzz. Alot of conflicts in our class and disruption during lesson but hey! Its add to the fun in class. :/ We are irratating at some most time, but we rule okehh?!
Ohmiigoshhhh! I am so random now. Suddenly, i miss my P6 friends. Gwashh. Some larhh, the rest i have no idea who are they..JOKING, i am not so evil cann? But i miss them. Actually, not much different from 2A but them is them, 2A is 2A, so i cant compare much.
Today Physics, super pissed off with that Kang person. Whatthehellll, suann me and JiaWenn cann liao, so suann Bernice for what (i dont know whether its counted as suanning bernice but whatever)?! I admit, me and JiaWenn talk alot in class but so? You already say we surely fail Common Test one. Is you(Ms Kang) that say we SURELY fail one, is this how you encourage your student to work hard for Common Test? You give up on us, but i dont give a damn. && Please lorhh, you like to call us NA! Normal Academic, cannot arhh? You like to qiao bu qi us right? So dont teach us larhh, we prefer Mdm Yu than a teacher that qiao bu qi just because we Normal Academic Stream. I dont care whether we NA anot, but we are still people okeh? Many(as least that what i think) of us dont like it when you call us NA, so you should consider their feelings.
Today Art also got teacher suann us. Wahh Sehh, JiaWenn today quite down of luck. Mr Richard Lim and Ms Kang go scold her. ._. Today Art damn ....! Mr Lim got venges against us. Tsk tsk, teacher, must forgive and forget right? But we today quite noisy so i dont blame but the other class also freaking noisy cann? Wahh Sehh, i now backache lerhh, too much sit straight! Band sit straight also not so pain. Whatthefishhhhhhh! Then leg also ma bi, cant feel the leg moving lorhh. I thought my leg no energy need charge! Lmaos.
Finally can use the freaking computer. Update on some dayss first :}
3 FebuaryNo school, thanks to the graduate Sec 4
Went out with JiaWenn and Claire. 
Go Bugis, ate at Mac.
Lawls. Actually wanna watch "
The Wedding Game" but Claire wanna take neo-prints. So JiaWenn say "如果要neo-prints,不要看。要看,不要neo-prints."
(roughly, My Chinese sucks to the coreeeee) Then she make some noise that the "省钱王" make.
Very LOL. In the end, take neo-prints. Very expensive okehhh?!! But it was funn. Then go bugis street, first time

Cause hardly go out shopping, i am more of a gamer than a shopper. Not so crowded, JiaWenn say if on weekends got damn alot of people. I was like: "Wahh Sehh, we counted lucky or else we cant even go in 1 step." Then went in, saw a shop, damn eeeewwww, Very pervertive shop which attracted JiaWenn and Claire.

I think its something got to do with Sex derhh,
grosss.! Then go 1 shop, pretteh tees! Clairee and JiaWenn go try on the bangles, (i made a deal for them, their next anniversary give them each a bangle.
Money, fly out of my pocket.) Shopped somemore, JiaWenn wanna buy Spongebob tee so go find the freaking shop, in the end, CLOSED

. Claire hold out hand like our 大姐姐.
Shop Shop Shop, saw a shop that sells both
geek specs and
SpongeBob Tee. JiaWenn brought
geek spec and i brought
SpongeBob tee.
Lawls. Went back to Mac for drinks then i zao homee. Mother nagging me
4 FebuaryWait... I forgot what happen.
5 FebuarySame, i also forgot.
6 FebuaryOh Yarhh,
You old man.
Went out to Chinese New Year Dinner with my dad's friend. Very fun lorhh. Mummy brought my "Rush Hour Deluxe Edition" thank youuus! That Bryan Seah go action, do the last card, "GrandMaster" and Whatthehell, he 5 minutes finish. -.-
I Got count okehh Bryan Seah! Played Tic-Tac-Touch on my Dad's iPhone with him. Whatthefishhh, he 36 and me 31. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Yarhh larhh, Bryan Seah, you very li hai larhh). Played "TapTap" with him. HAH! I WIN YOU HORHHH! *weetss.* Then played "DeadBeef" with him, HAH!
I am proud to announce that you are a NOOOOB! Thanks youu Thank youus. Lawls, joking cann. Later, i tried the last card "GrandMaster". Move Move, Cannot. He talk alot of bullshiat then i challenge him.
Me: "You do finish the card in 3 minutes, i give you my
broccoli. The last
broccoli i have, deal?"
B.S: "See who win, i say DEAL"
he move the cars abit then POOF, he win..Me: "Whatthehell.! "
B.S: "Hand in that
See what i mean? He is such a -toooter-! Very reluctant, need give my
broccoli. Oh Mannnnn.
lawlsi am such a kid, making such a big fuss over a mere broccoli
7 Febuary
Another old person, no offence. Wahh, i now then relise that alot of people's birthday on Febuary sia. Unlike me, still got 10months++ to go. Sadden.
Went tuition with Michelle, pungsehh that Dorcas. I went to buy french fries okehh!
To Dorcas:
Paisehh for punsehhing you! Whatthehell lorhh you, i last week ask you help me buy fries then you go eat more then half sia, lucky not i pay one :}, Nicholas pay one so i dont blame you sia. Whatthehell, you own me 1 pack of fries!!! (To be more precise, YOU OWN ME 1 PACK OF LONG JOHN SLIVER FRIES!!) Lawls. There, i said my piece girlfriend. :} Dont whack me, again.
Chiongg into tuition center then go find Dorcas. Call her hp, saw her sitting down on the slope. Then saw Nicholas coming, heard some idiot scream (wait, the idiot is her -.-). Talk talk, ask her to turn around, saw me, SCREAMMM! Lawl lorhh she, so bloody cutee. :} Then ran in the tuition center to lock the effing door, and whatthehell lorh that girl, angry me. I run for fun lehhhs, dont mad at me horhh! She went out, then everytime i hear footstep i go sit in the corner. Whatthehell, like i am being hunted by ghost. Dennis tell me that the assholeee Syafiq still at home sleeping, what a pig!
Blahblahblah, 5.15, Dennis left then left me, Michelle, Dorcas and Ming Ee. So freaking silent. SILENT KILLER, when talk got echo one, AWESOME!
Chiong home, That Mr Liew larhh! Drag drag drag until near 6+,Bathe , change, go JB asap. Went JB for my Biao Jiu's wedding. :} When the door open, the "bride" came in running and jumping like wild person like that, everybody tio shocked lorhh. See carefully its my 4th Biao Jiu ban the bride. Very LOL, the zip behind wasnt even closed! Everyone laugh damn loud. Ended at 10+, take group picture then go my Biao Jiu's house. Okehh, i finally get the hang of whose my Biao Jiu. I got 6 Biao Jiu, 2 Biao Jie. Oh mannn, so confusing. I GIVE UP!
Siannnnn... Now at Malaysia to attend some wedding. Zomg , my dad's phone is so useful at times yarhh?? I'm surprised that the resturuant got internet conection. Weets!! Make it a short post then bye bye
New Gann!! Idiot, stupiid, moron. && I am DUMBASS! :} Thanks you, thank youuu.Yupp, the headline says it all. Lawls, i am DUMBASS. i live it up to the name.

and so do the rest (no offence Bernice.!) and ZOMG, the picture is so LOL.

Will update later or tomorrow. I now scolded by Mummy.
Links will do tomorrow. Sorreh. :{i am hunted by ghostt!
Tapped on the shoulder like nobody's doing.!