Tuas 'rubish' plant.
Friday, March 27, 2009 11:23 PM
Today's class excursion is smelly.
Went to Tuas, boring and again, SMELLYY!
Went to the 'Tuas inceneration plant ". Doubly Smelly.
._.Went to different parts of the incineration plant , everywhere is smelly. except the control place. :}
When we going to a room at the top floor to see how big the warehouse for rubbish is, Gabriel and some other freakos shouted "RAT!" then me, bernice and jocelyn screamed the hell out of us. Very loudly. i really thought got rat!!
You never know, rat at an incineration plant is rather common. ._.
Went for the tour around.
Fun and tripley smelly. What was i thinking?!
Anyways, cam with the girls. Apparently, they like to cam in a control room. COOL! Anyways, the tour ended with the host giving us drinks!
Lychee, ice lemon tee, barley, the only choice we had. Whatevers,
Eugene;korh and
PekKoon;Idiiot walked to lotone. Idiiot and Korh went home to bathe/change clothes. Then left me and cuppcakee. Wait awhile then they come liao. MRT-ed to Causewayy, brought tickets then eat then shopped around.
7pm watched:

I shall be a good girl and show you some scenes from the movie. :}
I ♥ this scene. Drag by a.. a vehical? Lawls
Showing the new guard aroundd,
LOOK AT HIS EXPRESSIONN! :} LmaosWell, thats about all. Met some freaking China people.

Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:59 PM
Today no go for tuition. ;p
Went my daddy's friend's house.
Big sia, Like mansion. Minus the garden and driveway. To Roman for me, columns and everything. ._. But Uncle Chew is too direct and damn funny, so is Auntie Maggie (His wife, duhh).
Megan very poor thing, she is diagnosed with bone cancer 1 year ago and received alot of therapist and surgery. Hengfully, she is now recovering. Had a deep deep deep scar on her left leg, now learning to walk again. Must be hard for her, learning to walk again. But she is always so cheerful, even appear on the newspaper. :} MEGAN CHEW, RECOVER SOON! NOT WALKING IS NOT A BAD THING, THIS TYPE OF SITUATION NEEDS ALOT OF PATIENCE. JIAYOUUS.Anyways, did art there. feel like a pathetic 7 year-old. but it was interesting for me okehhs? ;x
Auntie Murray got alot of barang barang. Scapebooking. :}

Taadahhhh, Ugly, i know.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 9:19 PM
Just now chat with Ming Ee,
he say he saw Mr Liew and Miss Tan together at lotone. Not surprise, since almost everyone suspect they are both a couple.
Hahahhs, those that dont know seriously need to catch up! :}Just now know that this Ming Ee is surposingly a HCI student and i was like
Shuddupp, Shiat youuuu! Hahahs, same reaction as Dorcas. Lmaos, he prefer Miss Kang than HPP. lawls, just know who the hell HPP is. Lawls, !
But i cant believe he said that Kang is better teacher and i was Are you kidding me? She sarks to the core! Lmaos, Okehh, dont want post lerhh. Hahahhs, Dorcas is gonna scream at me. Soon.

Holy biatches and bastards, :}
Hahahhhs, randoms.
Finding reason to smear her image, but nothing seems to work,
Finding something to tell her off but comes to no avail,
Finding out why she is behaving like that but what comes out? NOTHING,
Finding out why she change so fast after hanging out with them.
I want to find out why but dont care since __ dont mind at all. Hahahhhs, !
i feel that you are a complete different person,
since you hang out with her,you hardly care about us. Not hardly but not often like you used to.
I know its selfish for me to like want you to hang out with us everyday but i aint asking you to hang out with __ everyday but be like what you used to.I think that __ is kidda lonely without you around her.
Must be thinking: "so extra for what?"
hahahahhs, sorry to tell you,
i am extra.
Okehs, waiting for someone to tell me what does fktardd, dumbfk means, i really have no freaking single what these 2 words mean. ._.

Friday, March 13, 2009 6:19 PM
Today sports day, ! Shiok, so next PE lesson no need to play soccer. ;x
Have to leave at 10.45 so ask either Claire or Jiawenn to take over me. :}
Went to meet Weili at Yewtee MRT, suppose to walk to Junda's house downstair then meet him but he sarker lorhhs, father go send him to lotone. Then meet Weili, in case she sian. Abit late, SORRY WEILI! ;x
Wait for Junda then walk to school with them. Went to class blahblahblahh.
Game start at around 8.15++, everyone hyperr. Woootss!!!
First game: We played against 203(1). Won
Second game: Semi-finals, against 201(1) Won
Third game: I never play, cause need go get ready for band.
Jasmine fainted awhile, i admit, i thought it was fake cause i never see people faint before, i admit and im guilty. ;x Jasmine! Sorry i doubted youu! I am badd girl. :{ then later ask PekKoon for money to help buy Jasmine something to eat cause my wallet say bye-byee(no money). I ran, nearly knocking down 4 person in a row. ._. retard me, like that also cann knock. ._. Brought two hotdog only. Brought liao then chiong to the toilet to change, band tee and pant, YIKES! Slack awhile then go set intruments. Set liao then Sec2 logistic need go up to arrange chair. Went up with JiaHui. Hall was crowded, but not as crowded as the Soccer there. Sec1 playing their floorball. Set chairs then wait for the rest of the band members to come up to practice. MY CHAIR WAS NEAREST TO THE DAMN STAIRS! SCARE I PI-PANG-POM! Played Aladdin and Under the flag of Glory. lawls, after the songs, saw 2A girls going up to get trophy so use this excuse to talk to the girls awhile (i didnt know if i was suppose to go and take the trophy) then Claire tell me that they won. I happy larhhs, but also wondering why they all so quiet.
Merrick, Go see Jasmine's cbox. i wanna hear what you say. Seriously,
Dont act dua please, i am kind enough to say please liaos so yarhs. i just wanna ask you, have you make a mistake before?
Jasmine, i bet everyone will be touch after seeing what you done to help us achieve a gold for Soccer, you pushed away your unwellness to play alongside with the 2A girls, you help us achieve a gold, therefore, I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED BY WHAT YOU DID, and you nearly scare the wits out of me. Dont, never, i forbid you to ever forget to eat before any games, i bet most of the girls will say that too. i sorry that i dodnt buy enough food for you. Haiis, i blame myself for that, ! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! <33>

Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:29 PM
'Suppp! Must be thinking, finally update uhs? :}
Hahahhhs. Shall update for some days :}
10 March o9Skipped band. Went for movies with Vanna, Claire and JiaWenn. Oh, and Gervan. Extra sehh, all girls but only he boy. Hahahhhs, Didnt go to lotone straight away, need to stay back for art to finish up the photoshop thingy. I'll say,
whatthefuckks? waste my precious time larhhs, i very tired, wanna go cinema sleep, release poor young me!!!! See, i was sleepy and everything. Yikes, !
Stayed there for 1 hour+, then go lotone. When reach lotone liaos, Vanna & Claire chiong up to the cinema. hahahs, was thinking to watch "Marley and Me"
(not i want one but i was desperate to update myself on movies, y'know, watch whats new) but the timing is like, WOW, so late. ._.
Then i told them that Gabriel and Old Ducky say Pink Panther 2 not bad so book lorhhs. :}
Booked it, showtime: 5.20pm. Since still got sometime left, go eat, shop shop and go the popcorn there and buy popcorn, duhh. I brought M&Ns. Hate popcorn smell cause they stink. *wrinks nose.
Was planning to sleep in the seat but i couldnt help but to be interested. I was laughing! Inspecto Cousel's accent is LOL. Love his accent.
Turn out that Gabriel and Old Ducky's 'reccomendation' is okehs. I was laughing like siao, dont belief ask Jiawenn, stomachache. hahahsss!
YesterdayWent for band, cause Friday performance i will be
what we playing? Huh? i dont know how to play. Can skip the performance? Hahahhhs, Jasper and Junda told me that i in Logistic. Happy for no reason. I was happy on that day, what you expect? :}
TodayPE was first. Yikes, ! But Jocelyn seem confident in todat's run as we fail the last lesson. She brought Sweets to boast our stamina. :} SMART! :} Today we fail by 7 seconds only,
7 SECONDDS!!!!! But we improved from 1minute fail to just 7 seconds cause we chiong at the last round. *weets :3
But i will always remember that we cannot eat sweet when running,
Results: Thirsty like siao.Skip to last period. Physics, Yippeesss, rightttt... Purposely go late to class. I wasnt alone, got Bernice, Jiawenn, Andy, JiaHao, Gervan and WenZhen. 要死一起死, ! Somemore, i aint keen being in Kang's class.
Eeeeeeww.... She doesnt even teach well, i want Mdm Yu backkkkkk! :{
Then Old Ducky go piss her off, she treaten to call the discipline commitee to take action but in the end? Action action walk to the staff room then come back with, NOBODY. Where's the discipline commitee you were saying huh? Talk so much. Aisehh, then Andy scare like siao, ask me keep his phone. Whatthehell? i was thinking, Ms Kang's hairdo is like birdnest and flipping here and there like some tired old biatch. hahahhs, !Crap with them and read my Breaking Dawnn, ! :} listen iPod awhile.
Then go to PekKoon's house nearby street soccer court with Jamie, CQin, Ayaka, Gabriel, Adriel, PekKoon and Claire. Gabriel and Adriel got own by the girlss, ! Hi-5 babeess!!! :} NOOB larhh, Gabriel and Adriel. Went PekKoon's house then go lotone.
Went to library to read. Listen iPod. Crap with Claire. & go home. simple, !Done with my post. :}
Tuition; I brought Eclipse & Breaking Dawnn!
Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:44 PM
7 March o9
Siannnn, very siannn. Tuition was crapp! Mr Liew go pick on me for no freaking reason but i dont give a freaking damn :}
Saboed alot of people and very happy about it. *Weetss! :3
Saboed: Edmund, Syafiq, Ming Ee and Dorcas! Mwhahahaha, feel my wrath or whatever shit that describe my action. Hahahas, they dont mind, at least thats what i think so. ._. Walk home with Michelle and Edmund. Walk a big round then headed to minimart then go home. Edmund is damn ahem ahem, Michelle also.
They both talk about their P6 class, i was like ermss..hahahahhs, hilarious. Why Pearlyn and Don never tell me arhhh?. See, i was PA-THETIC. Edmund say he P6 kick someone's nut, what was his name again? But that was really damn hilarious. :}
Chiong home, Mummy told us we going to Marché, Yumms! Went Vivo. My earbudds! I think i left it in Pinnacle. ._.

*Weets :3
Results: Happy, happy Nicole..TodayChat with Chicken, discussing about our meeting up plan. :}
Told Chicken that there is a high possibilty that i am taking up Badminton lessons again. :} Yippees!

Friday, March 6, 2009 6:48 PM
Yos, long time no update lerhh. ._.
Just update about today,
Suey sia, yesterday JiaHao kick my leg until orhh-chaee. Whatthehell.. very pain cann? Got after effect one. Yikesss.! Got pop out onee. Eeeeeeeew! But today not so pain lerhh.. I HATE LEONG JIA HAO, aka OLD DUCKYYY!
lawls, very randomm. Today is so boringgg, very boringg. Chem today gossip with JiaWenn & Bernice. Fun Funn. lmaos.
Recess, cam with Cupcakee and BCJ. Lawls.

We rockkk. hahahhhs. Show off 1 then try to upload more. Hahhss!

Sunday, March 1, 2009 5:57 PM
TodayAt tuition, talk about electrical thing then dunno what happened then talk about cars and speed. I was damn lost. Talk about, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Volkswagon, BMW, Honda blahblahblahhh. Very lost but eventually managed to catch up :}

At least i now know what they are liao. Li hai barhh? Thanks Youus Thanks Youus. :}
YesterdayHahahhs. Back to posing days. Brought new books and very very very happy about it. :D
Yupps. Brought them at popular. Yesterday larhhs. and speaking of which, yesterday saw damn alot of Sec 4 BPIANs then i tio shock awhile. Thought got hold party never invite me ;x
Saw Keng Ning, JunDa and Cheryl also. Lawls, all wear black. Then later meet Dorcas, late cann? Then edmund claim that i am shorter then D. I was like,
hello, see carefully lehh! I was joking, duhh.!
27 Febuary 'o9Very pissed off with Mr Ong but also feel very guilty for not handing in homework on time, then never hand in Team identity. Punished to write a 250 statement on "Why i never hand in my homework on time?" Which i a rather dumb thing. A single question, 250 statement.
First impression: WOWWW.
Later: ._.
Then CQin, Jamie, Claire, JiaWenn,Vanna go my house to do chocolate cornflakes while Jocelyn wait for Andy and Eugene to do finish their statement. Go my house go use computer while waiting for Jocelynn the all to arrive. When Andy they all came, house damn noisy cann? Andy go hao lian, challenge everyone to WII tennis. then he and Claire played Bowling and Boxing first. Damn funny and erms.. close? Heard Jocelynn they all say one. ;x Laughed.
1st round of WII tennis with Andy, I WON!!
2nd round, sadly but i lose.
Its a DRAWW so dont be too happy horhh!! ;x
i knew it, your record is bound to be broken.
see, i can tell the future lehh! lawls.
Last long lehh! Dont make ___ cry or i kan your freaking hand.