Monday, June 29, 2009 9:14 PM
'Sup 'Sup!
Today first day of school, bloodyhell boring.
Hahahs, Gabriel told me he cannot sleep for 3days3nights. Because of the 'Drag Me to Hell'. Lmaos!
JiaWen&Claire came to my house, hahahs, on the way brought shirts, all same design but different colour. Sweet~ Then Claire want Bernice to buy the same design but other colour. So yes yes! :D
I brought blue, JiaWen brought white, Claire brought black and Bernice buy grey. Exchange if not happy with the colour. Change Change. Hahahs,

Candid with JiaWen and Claire with my webcam. Hahahs, some are seriously unglam shiat. :D

Longated. Hahahs, Totally unglam, for some. Hahahs,
Claire is proud of her big eyes, JiaWen is looking for her big eyes, i am looking for a small eye. Hahahs, random. :D

Sunday, June 28, 2009 6:16 PM
YANLINGG ♥What you want me to do sia?!You hurt me with some sms, saying me, scolding me and want me to forgive you so easily?
I'm not someone who tolerate someone who scold me then want forgiveness so easily.
You sms-ed me saying bad things about me then the next thing you know, YOU WANT ME TO FORGIVE YOU!
Make up you mind larh! First, you scolded me because of i didnt help you with ys. Second, you say hurtful messages. Then third, after badminton, you still ask me not to ignore you anymore and say sorry& want forgiveness.MAKE UP YOUR FREAKING SMALL MIND!
Ever heard of this chengyu: 三思而行.
Think before you act. Want to scold people than want forgiveness.
You are angry because i said a 'whatever' to you, say me being cold to you.
You are angry because i said to help you scold ys but i made friends with him instead.
You are angry at me because i ignore you
You are angry because i made friends with the people at badminton class
You are angry because while you are still missing me, i was playing happily
You are angry because of i this type of friend which you hate alot, especially me.
You are angry this
You are angry that
You are angry at me
You are angry at him
You are angry with blahblahblahhh..
Everything also not happy.
ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY LITTLE WORLD! Try to tolerate larh! Angry at someone wont resolve the matter.
whathf -,- you still angry with me isit -,-
Duh, what you want me to be? Happy?!
grr , whatever already ,Wah! You are being cold to me! I'm angry... *roll eyes*
you dun wanna forgive me , i really hadhad enough , friends , i hate them , especially you ,especially me, okeh lorh, you hate me why come here talk much?!
here i am , still missing you , waiting fhor your forgivenes , another time you are there , happily make-ing those fcking friends , finefine , i really hadhad enough , enough of waiting fhor you ,I didnt ask you to miss me, i didnt ask you to wait for me, i didnt ask you to wait for my forgiveness, you chose to do them all. I didnt force you, you did it yourself. Then what you want me to do? At warren keeping quiet and waiting for you to come when you didnt?! I like to make friends, you cant do anything about it. :D
if this is what you want-ed , we are gone , don you ever regret ,Blackmailing dont work for me girl,
I grateful for your family.
I like them cause they are kind to me.
But if this is what you want, so?
You deserve it. You hurt me, yet you still dare to scold me.
You want forgiveness? Fine, kapui.
I make friends you have a say at it arh? I am not your property, i am not yours. I am free to make friends, need you to care issit? You are a great friend but sometimes, you think you are right, which you are wrong. You scold ys, i dont mind, but sometimes, you are unreasonable. I just didnt say it because you will think i siding with him, and not you. This is what you will think. This is what you are, jumping to conclusions.
And you cant tell whats wrong. I am unreasonable now, i will forever be unreasonable (who wont be?! Superman?!)
your friends keep on pungsehing you? You are, well, the reason. Ask yourself, you are why they pungseh you.
Sure you can make alot of friends with no trouble, sure you are better at that than me.
But this is way off.
You attitude me after scolding me. Saying 'what i dont like about you is..' or 'i hate them, especially you..'

Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:18 PM
Today went to badminton at Warren, saw Tanya. She's from school onee. Hahahs, another alumni other than Hester. Hahahs.
Went to tuition, MingEe and Joycelyn both sms me say got some guy and the other girl like couple, ask me hurry to tuition. Lmaos.
Tired sia! Havent eat, rawrhhs!
Then chat with MrLiu with MoJo's death, he mention he was
ONCE a fan but his parents object. Lmaos! :D
gossip with MingEe,
(the owner of the 'Moo Moo Milk' blog), saying the same things, funny sia!
he gossip king sia, tsk tsk. Hahahs.
YesterdaySurpose to go sectionals, but Felicia overslept because she 2am sleep BECAUSE she watching Transformer2! Rawrhhs!
But we decided to watch. Me, Weili, KengNing and some of KengNing's friends. Waited like sibeh long, but i dont care,
i must watch that darn show, waited for like a year. Stupid right?! Hahahs, watched at Westmall.
Shiok! 10thumbs up if i got 100fingers, Hahahs. Alien.
Funny sia, but got some ... scenes. KengNing say very cold, hahahs, then a jacket popped outta of nowhere.
Weili infleuence me to love SuperJunior's Sorry Sorry. The hunks, lawls.Kidda glad you didnt come, and super glad that i made new friends. Oo

Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:48 PM
Hey! Went to watch Drag me to hell with Bernice, Gabriel, PekKoon, KerYang and the other friend of PekKoon,
Totally freaked out mann!
Me and Bernice are like clutching to each other, Gabriel and PekKoon also!
Gabriel keep saying he 'not scare' or 'the show not bad leh' or 'not so scary larh'..
But the truth is he scared outta his wits!
Lmaos, he beginning was 'Ahhhhh, mummy~' Funny scenerio. :D
Then nevermind, i keep closing my eyes, i'm a sucker for horror movie! ;x
Then when got screaming, i scream, when Bernice scream, i scream like crap. Lawls,
In the theater only have 3couple, 1lady and us 6 people. And we are the only ones that screamed. Lmaos!
Then that KerYang keep saying 'Later you turn around got the old lady behind you', i was nearly half freaked out still say this. ._.
Bernice is like damn brave, she watched even though she's scared, unlike me. Hahahs
The movie ended with the lead lady dead, even though she is trying to escape death. Real cool ending. Hahahs, i thought got happily ever after ending. (I'm childish and i know that) :B
Sorry Michelle for not being able to help you revamp your room, busy. Paiseh! :}
And Gabriel was as scared as us. Just pretend not to care. And purposely go listen music until damn loud. Cheater sia! People listening to the lady scream, he listen 'Just Dance'.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:40 PM
Cam-ed with Michelle when sleeping over at her beau house.
Sorry for not being able to celebrate with you on the actual day, T^T
Today got band but was cut short after 12noon :D
Went to have committee lunch (Logistic) and crap our way like hell! :D
we always stop at random places along the way to chat, people might think we are crazy! Hahahs, went to KFC for lunch and like half the place are Bandmembers.
Khalid keep on burping and we LOL like dots.
Jasper and Fadli go take Khalid's IC and Ezlink, and letme tell you, Khalid look like HarryPotter except is Arabian version! ;x Lmaos!
went to jalan jalan around lotone. And was fun! I keep laughing at Fadli, he look like monkey! hahahs,
Went to Kiddy palace, played with the electric keyboard for almost 1hour cause Khalid keep on sayng "Last piece! Last piece!" Then the rest of us keep grumbling. Lawls.

1st, 2nd, 3rd picture: Khalid, Jasper and Fadli playing with the electric keyboard at KiddyPalace.
4th picture: Jasper and Khalid is amaze with the flute casing, volunteering to help Ameerah to open the case for her. Lmaos!
Damn, the bloody biatch staying for a WEEK! I 1day already cannot tahan, 1week?!

Saturday, June 20, 2009 7:11 PM
Hey yo!
Long time no update, gonna be dead and whatthehell, schools starting.
RAWRHS, so short sia! But apparently that pig Mingee wants to go school, so that he can use the computer. So lame can? 'Unique Pig' thats his new name. Lawls, cucumber to be exact.
Anyways, yesterday had sleepover at Mich's house, and she is the co-owner of the mega huge LCD screen. She just brought it, lovely! LOVELY! :B *grools
She came my house to have movie marathon, 'Bedtime stories' and 'Yes Man' and many other MV. Hahahs, had pizza along, Hahahs.
Today went to badminton, made friends with new people.
Hester and Rachel. (i thought it was Esther) and Rachel is the pro, 1year younger then me and imma pure noob! Hahahs!
Totally craze of Super Junior's 'Sorry, sorry' & GirlsAloud's 'Sounds from the underground'. Hell yeah! Looking for this song like forever Oo

Monday, June 8, 2009 6:26 PM
Oo. 1 hundred million years no update,
Should be MIA-ing soon. Holidays are like uber boring!
5 June 2009Went out with chicken!
Went to Vivo. Hahahs, initially wanted to go Fareast then we like have no freaking idea how to go there. Hahahs, so went to Vivo!
Brought a badminton shoes!!!! Love it alot lot lot!
Crap with chicken(duh! Our usual routine :B)
quick quick updateee.