#117, C-U-T-E and Nightmare
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:45 PM
They look kinda alike dont you think?
Received results today.
Not satisfying. Yeah, alot of people cried

. Yeah, alot of people ran to the teachers and ask whats wrong

. Yeah, many people were cursing and swearing at the marker

Man, i hate this time of the year, where the EOY results are revealed. Crushing our dreams. Hahahs, i sound posh ain't I? ^^ Neh, its fake. I am just trying to sound smart. Yeah, I'm smarter than MingEe. Duh.
Maths is everyone's biggest challege I might add. So this year's highest scholar for Maths is: ZhengHui. Congrates dude! Next is Bernice, again. She is so lucky during the EOYs didn't you notice? Hmmmm, what secret? :X I didn't get as high as anyone but its above average, so it's passable. Yeah, happy to pass and be above average.
Today did the final planning for bazaar cause I'm not free tomorrow and Friday is the bazaar itself so it's kinda of rushy. Felicia say the bazaar thingy is a valid reason to not go band, so,
LONG LIVE FELICIA. I been exeptionally nice to her lately,
dontknow, maybe because of her broken
arm finger?
#116, Japanese ARE crazy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:47 PM
#115, SUND-eh!
Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:03 PM
Went to Warren with Tanya.
Saw a couple of my friends from BPGHS doing this charity work at lotone.
Played 3round of doubles with this
rather showoff girl.
Me, Tanya and ShiMin were like,
i would smash in her face so hard! :X
Went to see Tanya and her brother eat.
Joel is practically crying went stuffing his face with chilli. Hahahs, laughing my shit off.
GOTCHA! ShiMin and Tanya playing Time Crisis II.
Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:56 PM
Today is Deepavali, bigdeal..
Went to Uncle PengKen's condo to celebrate his daughter's 1month old.
Saw my cousin, YeeYee. Smart dude.
Me and him has this tradition that every CNY celebration got to sit on this 'palm chair' at my uncle's place.
Since P1, we been doing that. Hahahs.

#112, Birthday girls! 
Friday, October 16, 2009 10:50 PM
Today is Claire's and Sophia's 14Birthday Party!
Venue: Sentosa, Silosa Beach
Enjoyed! CQin, Jamie, JiaWen, Bernice, Vanna and Yijia came along to celebrate!
Today is a freaking happy day for me.
- History EOY paper!

- Last exams and its CELEBRATION!

- Going to Sentosa with fellow classmates!

- My mother is giving me reasonable freedom!

See? Thats why. I love history. Because Mr Huthspeth and Ms Alice Lim is sucha cool teacher and i'm fascinated by Singapore's history. AND its way easier then geography.
Went home first to change, get ready and met Bernice, CQin, Jamie, Sophia and YiJia at lotone rooftop. Saw Fiona and her friends there too.

We panicked cause it look like it was about to rain and thought that Sentosa aint a great place to celebrate. But in the end, still went to Sentosa.
Met JiaWen, Claire and Vanna at LongJohnSilver / Brought nailpolish (JiaWen can seriously be a part-time sales person) / Brought tickets / Headed to Siloso Beach. 
I am so totally in love with YiJia's volleyball aka Olympic (adapted from 'Baby Bonus').

Saw KengNing and Cheryl there!

Jamie invented a tougue twister:
There's a bitch on a beach with a bridge.
So many
B words. Went to have a 3v3 game of basketball. Then accompany CQin, Claire and JiaWen to the bridge. Climbed up the rocks and introduce my Ripples slippers to them all. I'm a potential sales person okay? BEAT THAT JIAWEN!
Saw Hester when we about to leave Sentosa.

Went home with JiaWen and Claire cause i afraid i get lost at the complicated MRT lines.
Sentosa has a serious load of contructions(?) but will finish by 2011.
2more years to go people..
#111, EOY-Maths 
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:38 PM
Today is Mathematics paper.
Damn nervous for the starters. Me and Claire were like keep on asking Sophia for the fomulas.
And didnt get caught!
Cause we are pro. Oui Oui..
When the invigilator say "Start". Everyone rushed to the question, see how serious we, 2A, are. Okay?!
Groaned at the bloody paper. So effing difficult!
After the paper, everyone discussing about the paper and answer. Sw-eeet.
Then we to lotone with CQin and Jamie. Still discussing about the paper.
Went to join JiaWen and co. for
So deeeleecious.
Chatted about stuff then Claire and I started laughing at some freaking random things and
a piece of pathetic meat fell off her mouth, and into her bag. I was laughing until tears start to form in my eyes! Laughing damn hard.
Then i went home, ate panadol and napped awhile.

#110, Over-the-days post
Thursday, October 8, 2009 12:58 PM
Hey ho! Exams are round the corner, yikes..
Sadly, cannot upload pictures. Will do it later, i guess.
061009; Tuesday
Mrs Chiang's class had their Homec Pratical. And my class have our LAST homec lesson.
Teamed with Bimbo, Danielle, and had a hell out of time. He keep asking me to wash the plates. -.-
He slacker sia.
NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT partner him.
Last period was effing fun! We had free-period, then everyone is throwing their soft-toys.
071009; Wednesday
Went to JiaWen's house for lunch. ^^ Surposed to go to lotone and eat bianmian. But Claire wasnt feeling well so ate at 7-11 instead.
081009; Thursday
Woke up late. REALLY LATE, like 7am waking up late.
Chiong to school, saw JiaWen and Melvin(i think). Then Melvin talk like grandmother, fairytales..
He and his smart talk. *roll eyes!
091009; Friday
ARGHHH! Exams are on Monday!
You know, i would love to see a country with no difficult exams for a starter. 
After school, went home with Bimbo and co.
Then Bimbo and co. going to eat at 7-11.
1. WenZhen keep pissing me off with his assy-smart talk.
2. ZhengHui is seriously hyper.
3. Gabriel is like a gay (usual).
4. JieEn is freaking quiet, and weird! (He listen in his earpiece with his phone OFF)
Majorly weird.
Intro ZhengHui to my new favourite song "One Time" by Justin Bieber.
Then he that idiot keep chanting:
"Me plus you.. Me plus you.. ME PLUS YOUUU.." 
Can tell he really LOVE the song.

Went to 302 busstop. And homed.
#109, WORST DAY!
Sunday, October 4, 2009 7:50 PM
I lost every single data in my handphone! -.-
#108, Happy belated birthday to gladys!
Thursday, October 1, 2009 3:26 PM
Happy Belated Birthday To Gladys Soh!
So sad, we are not in same school.
Nevermind! I got over it since the release of the school thingy.
Hahahs. I still got the video you and Clar took before PSLE okay?!
I think i still got the file with me.
Neh, its over but its so fucking fun larh!
Awww, miss those day
Quick update.
280909, Monday
Had our Homec practical. Our group is called:
JiaWen and Jocelyn thought it. Cute.
Did Canape, Baked Salmon with mashed potatoes and muffins. Got the Highest Archiever and the Best Presentation award.

Went home, bused with Oily.
290909, Tuesday
I forgot
300909, Wednesday
良老师 keep asking us to: "2A UP, UP, DOWN, UP, UP, UP" Then those never listen properly must sit on the floor. Then Glenn go guailan 良老师

良老师 keep shooting me. Whatthefuck?!

After school went to Mac and ate McSpicy. Me, Jamie, Vanna, and Bernice ate McSpicy while JiaWen and Claire ate McWings.
Saw Clar, then told JiaWen and Bernice her stead is ____. Then they both were like nothing happen, then look at each other.
"____ ____!" I was like.. OhMyFuck is him! 
Hahahs. Laughing out shits off. Saw Boris, Yong
something and MingEe. Dorcas came after that and i left with her to find MingEe. He was like "What?" Lmaos.
11009, Thursday
hate Children's Day. Its the start of the EOY exams!
Started off with Paper1 then Paper2. Went home with Tanya
Off to SIMS2. ^^