Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:33 PM
Siann lorhh!
Rotting at home.
Like having school is better lorhh!
But it will risk seeing her again.
Anyway, i next year also will be seeing her EVERYDAY!
Seeing her is such a torture.Not to mention seeing her acting ______.
Dont want talk about her anymore.
Sometimes, i wonder. Am i a human to them? They treat me nice but do they even mean it? Why issit that im in the Dark again?! Time over time! I hate it. If she want to continue acting popular, nobody can stop her. She's good in everything! But i lack at them. I wish she's in express! She love to pretend. but i am not gonna listen to her _____ people with all those LIES!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:19 PM
Today was B-O-R-I-N-G.
Dum Dum Dum Dum..
Watch "叮当神探" with Michelle.Tan. :}
"叮当神探" is very funneh and scary! :}
Im scaredy cat for mysteries!
But overall okeh okeh.
Havent watch finish yet so.. cant wait!
Later, Michelle go see my room. i then requested her to help me paint. :P
THANKS YOUU MICHELLE!She help me paint the room damn fast!
<3 her BIG TIMEE!
So good, she got badminton training.
I at home, rotting!
Nobody ask me go out.
Xingru still got school.
Hsien Yong is like an old woman.
Shui Qi cannot go out.
Olivia havent come back
Benjamin is such a pest.I Miss Chicken and Dorcas! :}& of course 1A girls larhh.
EXCEPT her. :}
----6L peoples!
Go escape or Sentosa okeh?
More the Merrier!
Want know anything, ask Wee. XiHwee!
Organiser of this particular event!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 11:58 AM
1.The person who last tagged you was?Claire
2.Who is your relationship with ?3 person[me, myself and I]
3.Whud 5 things you like about question no. 2?Because all 3 is me! :D
5.The most memorable that he/she had said to you?*thinks* i talk to myself?!
6.If he/she becomes your lover what will you do?"She" is me! Duhh!
7.If he/she becomes your lover ; whud he/she should improve on?Character
8.If he/she becomes your enemy , what will be the reason of u hating him/her?Attitude
9.If he/she becomes your enemy ; whud will you do to HIM/her?Bo Pian. hate myself lorhh! :D
10. Your most desired thing that you want to do for him/her is?First thing first. repaint my room!
11. Your overall inpression of him/her is ?Imperfecto!
12. How do you think that the people around you will think of you?Trouble-maker! :D
13. What are the characters of you that make you love yourself?idk..talkative?!
14. What are the bad characters of you that makes u hate yourself?My attitude on people or something else.. :D
15. The most ideal person you want to be with is ?My friends! No lesbains but friendship is important!
16.For the people that care and like you , say something to them~SiSi. Love you like forever <3.
17. Pass the quiz to 10 persons that u wish to know how they feel about you1. Jamie.
2. Bernice
3. Sophia.
4. Ayaka
5. Claire
6. YiJia
7. SuZheng
8. CQin
9. Jia Wen
10. Jasmine
18. Who is no (9) [Jia Wen] having a relationship?Dots. Its Claire Png larhh!
19. Is no. (2) [Bernice] male or female?Tuupiid Question! Female.
20. If no(2) [Bernice] and no(_) [Glenn] come together ..how long do you think their relationship will last ?i dont know & i dont care! :D
21. What Is no(1)[Jamie] related to you?Friend lorhh!
22.Who were you chatting with before?Xihwee bestie.
23.Whud kiind of music does no.(4) [Ayaka] like?Never be replaced/ The day you went away?
24.Does no. (3) [Sophia] have any siblings?Ya, one big sis & small sis
25. Will you woo no.(2) [Bernice]ROFL! do i seem to look like Glenn?!
26. How about no(9) [Jia Wen]?Crappy?!
27. Is no. (10) [Jasmine] single?Should be! But she admire someone. (shhhh~)
28. Whud is the surname of no. 5 [Claire]?Png
29. Whud is the hobby of no.4 [Ayaka]?Dreaming
30. Does no 5 [Claire] and no 9[Jia wen] get along well?Duhh! They bicker often but they do get along really well!
31. Where is no 2 [Bernice] ex sch ?Concord Primary. Beside BPGHS(chua chu kang one!)
32. Talk something normal about no 1 [Jamie]Knowlegeble! (?)
33. Have you tried developing your feelings for the one you love/like?No No!
34. Where does no 9 [JiaWen] live at ?Near Yijia block.
35.Whud colour does no 2[Bernice] like?If im not wrong its..Blue?!
36. Are no 1 [Jamie] and no 9[Jia Wen] best friends?Ya :D
37. Does no 7 [SuZheng] like no 2 [Bernice]?Are they lesbians?!
38. How did you get to know no 10 [Jasmine]?Orientation that time.
39. Does no 6 [YiJia] have any pets?Nopey, i think.
40. Is no 4 [Ayaka] the sexiest person?:D ya think?!
41. What do you think you think your admirer is doing?Dots larhh!
42. Pick 10 people you want to SABO.Xihwee, Clarissa, Gladys, Fiona, Eudice, Emmelyn, WeiCheng, Andy, Beverly, YanLing.
Do it!
Wanna do also cann lorhh! :D

Monday, October 27, 2008 6:49 PM
Today is Jermaine Cousinnn Birthday!She is like so damn freaking hyper and cuute cann?
Sian lorhh!
i forget to bring handphone.
At the house there watch TV lorhh.
The cousinns go run around and play like
hyper babies. :D
Amanda keep smiling non-stop cann?!
Anyway, she's right! Nothing could go on with a little bitch in your life. Everyone has its own peers. No one can change, frankly. Whats going on in 1A?! Love Love Love. That's the problem, ALWAYS! i know its also mostly my fault but i am really tired. Tired of her that is.

Saturday, October 25, 2008 10:06 PM
Happeh Holidays!To me.
It anit an holiday for me. D:
Oliver is coming back.
And my beloved neighbours are coming back from Sweden!
2 years no see them is like 4 years!
Im obviously exagerating(?) but Its longgg okeh?!
really boring at home.
Sadden D;
I hate BPGHS !
I just dont understand them!
Good for them, can hang out like everyday and i cannot. Stay at home. Either stay at home or have band practices.
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Boring! Boring!
Yay! Just heard from Mummy that Auntie Adeline is bringing her daughters to ViVo tomorrow with us! Yay us! At least got some entertainment lorhh! :D
Mummy even agreed to let me paing my own room to Bluee. Want Black but too goth! She hate it when a room is pitch black. :D
i want Baby Bluee!
Its Perfection!
Xingru going China!
For 3 weeks!
departing Singapore on 31st Oct!
Somemore she is going ALONE!
Bet they dont even like me one bit! When say want to invite me to ViVo.They dont mean it. Anyway, its not exactly their fault. They have things to do Claire is kidda grounded,the rest are busy.Nevermind. i guess im gonna spend the School holidays AT HOME!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:07 PM
Hellohs people!
Today is "Sian-sation"
Pooooophs. Yawnnnns. ZzZZZzzz.
Get it? Im tired of "Leadership programs".
Today's teacher have a pacticularly funneh name.
"Mr Jolly"
Lols. What kind of name is it?!!
If he is Jolly, Im not.
Im Sleepy during his Chitty-Chatty.
.{Talk about After School}
Recieved Report Books!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! i failed like 2 subjects & rank 25 in class.
Big dots!
I cant believe that im rank 25 in class for since im in Primary 4 liddat!
Laugh all you want.
Imm sadded. Broke a negative record.
But its kidda funneh. 4 years{excluding 'o7} throughout. 25. Lucky number arhh?!
Heard that Valerie is 1st in the Sec1 level. That PIG! :D
She damn Hyper today.
*Laugh Out Loud*
---At band was abit fun onleh.
During Mr daniel's lesson was, yes, Funneh. he keep crapping nonsense!
Played "Danza Latina" and he wants us to do FAST.
Then the trumpets having promblem to cope so he made them sing.
*i pity them*
They sing that time was like
sian sounding.
"Its a happy song"
Then they sing again.
"Rewind...Its a Happy songg!"
Then the class was laughing. Not at them but at what Mr Daniel said.
*Laugh Out Loud*
Labels: non-coloured one

Friday, October 17, 2008 4:32 PM
Today is Vivo City field trip and is
SO-SO. :/
Set of after Mr Simon's briefing and im group with
PekKoon and WeiJian. Surpose to have JiaHao in my group also BUT lucky he no come!!! :D
Set off and was the LAST class to arrive to Vivo all thanks to the stupid driver we encounter! Grrrrr... i think he no licence one... Keep driving round and round! D:
Finally he drop us off.
Missed the 'Work Trail' and chiong to the next trail. Went round and round with my group to the 'Vivo Hypermart'. Wait Wait Wait. then the uncle chaseeeeeee us out say we cannot go in write survey or anything. Saw JiaWen and PuiYee in there. Somehow they manage to go in!
Pro zia! I chiong in snapp a few plastic utensil's picture and chiong out. LOL. Saw Simon
(my class one) and compare answer. He copied mine, i copied his. :D

Snapped this quick photo. :]
PekKoon go in the Hypermart buy Kinder Bueno 3-in-1 for us !! Rich people liddat one! After that then work with ZhengHui, Simon and ChengYang. So they go where i must follow.
Then refreshments time. recieved Mac coupons and went to find the nearby Mac in Habourfront. Reach there, soooooo many people siol! Omigosh. So we pack a few things and chiong out to the next trail. Play trail. On the way,
Sophia, JunXian and Marvin joined us. We damn freaking dumb ya know!! The Sentosa thing in front of us also never see, somemore go ask workers! Saw Jamie and gang, did the work together and parted. Next was Shop trail. Glenn Pang act pro! Whats this?! Grrrr... say i stupiid. He worse! Dun know how to cherish what he has now!
Anyway, did it together with Sophia. Then went to assemble. So fast lehh!! the freaking time like so freaking fast. D:
Went to lot 1. Soaked. Head to toe but dried fast under the air-coned bus. Brrrr.
Yupps. Now at home with Michelle having 'traditional' sleepover. :D

Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:44 PM
Hey Hey Hey. Wassup people?
Just came back from A.Ayaka's condo. And it was oh-so funnnnn! Funn in the
Before going to MaySprings condominum, ate lunch with Claire, JW, Berh and Ayaka at BPP.
JW and Claire went to A.Ayaka's condo first.
So my,A.Ayaka and berh set off to buy claire a cheeeeesecake. OREO cheeeesecake.
EXPENSIVE. but worth it for a friend. :]
then went to A.Ayaka's place under the dizzle.
Then lock claire up in the room, SUUUURPRISED her with the yummilicious cake.
she was S-H-O-C-K-E-D.
hahas :]
Later go Tennis and badminton maniac.
i wanted to try tennis so played badminton first with A.Ayaka and Berh.
Well suddenly, i loveee Tennis.
Anyhow play one.
thats for Claire! HAHAS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
copy the code if you want :D

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:09 PM

Hah. Now im seriously have nothing to do so i'll "show-off" my hello kitty roly-poly stamp.
Yah. Today recieved results.
FAILED physics
BUT lucky haven recieved Biology. If my Biology fail too, Lappie is going further! :[
Recieved Literature and English too. Both PASSED! happeh! Maths too
(OMFG, i forgot about maths) i PASSED! atlast, Lappie is drawing nearer! :]
Short post and time to byebye.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:43 PM
Deleted all my past post. :]
Dont want to pursue the stupid matter.
But i dont know if they want to fight anot.
Let them, my mother says.
Well, logically shes right.
Anyway, scared tomorrow yeah!
Scared results. :/
To Claire: You wanna talk about it, up to you but just to let you know, try putting yourself in my shoes or Vanna's. See how you feel. Ya, Im sorry to be rude to you and apologise. And i dont want to talk on this matter, if you wanna complain to jW they all say i unreasonable, up to you cause i already have the feeling that you complain lerh. Dont care, Dont wanna know. :]
Yupps. thats what i have to say. =='''
I earsed all 1A girls the HP numbers and pictures. Every message and feel better. :D
i'm crazy yeah?
Brought some presents lerh.
HelloKitty for
YiJiaHope she like it cause my mother gave me a budget. :3
Yesterday had

and it was YUMMILICIOUS. :D
Dots larhh..im crapping .

is love-d!!
Tomorrow got school. Double sian!!
I also have no idea which day.