Nicole. First screamed @ the world on 30 December. Used to hate maths, now? I'm practically in love w Maths! Thanks to the wonder teacher Mr Choo(Teddy Bear :>). I do nothing but band band band, badminton, study study. You get the idea, i lead a extremely boring life. :D
Sorry no update for very very long. Just wanna scold someone. For a very important friend of mine.
To the certain person. I'm saying this because i really dont want my Chicken to be hurt.
Do you or do you not know that she has been liking you? Do you or do you not know that she has been stress over your matter? Do you or do you not know that she has been sad over YOUR matter? She not like last time so hyper liao, only when she see me larh ;x but not as hyper as before. I dont know whether is got to do with you. But are you a boy or a girl? Boy i suppose. Hmmmm, from what i know, boys should be gentleman one. Dont tell me you want my chicken to be the gentleman one. You should at least understand her feelings right? Thats what gentleman are surpose to do. Not like a dog, but in a good way. Understand? Hmmm, i dont know you but we met briefly, duh. Chicken told me suddenly through sms about she having enough. i thought what sia, didnt know its you. You dont talk to her, but talk to her friend. She is a human, so can at least talk to her like greeting like that. But ignore?! You think you what? Bigshot arhs? You may think you treat her well but sorry, i dont trust you. You hardly talk to her, when she talk to you? You do what? You yourself should know. She like you so much and what you do? NOTHING! You shouldnt do that, at least talk abit. Nevermind that. I admit, i not enough proof to scold etc. BUT. must you ignore her? She got feelings. Not like you, cold-blooded. When i say you ugly, she keep insisting that you are shuai. I was like OMG! See, she keep saying you shuai even when going against on what i say. From that point, i know she still like you. No matter what
Hello people! Today is BPIAN idol! The 'poster' they make is seriously like the America Idol one. :O (The mike makes the two 'poster' sorta alike or maybe i'm simply thinking too much) Jasmine is one of the 14 finalist! YAYAYAYAYAYYYY!
This is Corpuz Jasmine Leigh Bengco. In short, Jasmine Leigh. Hahahs, sucha long name no?
She sang very very very very(x100000000000) well! She sang 'Will love you more' by Celine Dion. I was totally shocked! I thought she will chose Pretty Boy etc, but thenn. Arghhhhhhhhh! I want her to sing an ENCORE! Come lets say it, ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE! lawls, that random shiat! I was like waving to her and the audience are like super uber hyper when Jas hit the high note! ZOMG!
THREE CHEERS FOR JASMINE! *Clap clap calp clap clap THREE CHEERS FOR JASMINE! *Clap clap calp clap clap THREE CHEERS FOR JASMINE! *Clap clap calp clap clap WOOHHHHH!
blahblahblahhh... blahblahblahhh... After school, cabbed to lotone with JiaWen, Jocelyn and Vanna. 70cents each. Met up with Zharfan, PekKoon, Gabriel, Bernice and Ayaka. Then want to watch movie. This one:
Night at the museum 2.
Hahahs. Its a sequel to the first movie. This time got alot more characters. And it is sibeh funny! PekKoon didnt join us, he got infocom. TT Today i found out that i loan alot of people money and i found money on the floor. Lucky me! I found a 2$ note at Mac, 1$ coin in the theater! Bernice was like 'Walauu, you very lucky sia!' Hahahs, she damn cute sia! This is the art of being kind to people by lending them yours ;x Im so so so so so joking! :B Met up with Chicken at the top floor. She damn late sia! Hahahs, because of her school! Dammit! :@ Went into the cinema while Gabbiew and the boys buy popcorn. In front of me and Chicken got one lady. Her hair damn POW! Chicken thought she fake one, then i look at her, THEN I TIO SHOCK! ITS REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! ._.
blahblahblahh... blahblahblahh...
I move sit cause not nice to watch by the side. Then move abit to the center, got a little boy behind me pull my hair! TT Pain sia!
blahblahblahh... blahblahblahh...
Movie ended liao, Gabbiew dump the remaining popcorn onto Ayaka! She was damn shocked! Lmaos! ----- Today's pictures. ----- At school At lotone
HELLLO! Back from camp, and i really enjoyed it! :} I'm from Group 9 together with Deric, LinQi, JunDa, Rachel and other people who i dont know. In the end, group 9 teamed up with group 10. Luckily for me, group 10 has Claire, Gabriel and Zharfan. Took the same bus with them and gossip with them, DAMN FUN! Arrived Pasir Ris Park at about i dont know when! ;x
At Pasir Ris Park First game:Dry games. We played the 'husband and wife' game. Everyone in the team (group 9&10) is very very very reluctant to hold hands! Cause the rule is every boy must hold hands with a girl. -'- Gabriel go guailan the teacher saying: "i hate you leh!" Then the trainer say "do you really hate me that much?" Gabriel then say "Yarh". Then the trainer pull Gabriel to Mrs Neo. hahahs. Our trainer name is Ivin(?); he is damn funny! Then Ivin gave us some teamwork games. Damn challenging! hahahs! Second game: Butterhill. This is like my fave! Its very very very challenging and it requires alot alot alot of teamwork and brains. Junda was the leader so he needs to think alot. Too badd! hahahs, alot of boys very kaisu then tried running up the hill and its damn slippery so alot of people fell. Me, JiaHui and JiaYing tried taking turns to climb up. We fell. Tumbling down like some retards. Tried with other girls and she fell on my leg! I think it broke! Hmmph! In the end, we thought through the ways of getting up the hill. HUMAN PYRAMID! So 4 people at the bottom, 3 on top the bottom people, 2 on the top. Me and Le Xuan was on the top. I was only temporary, i helped 3 people go up then i climp my way up. :} Poor Le Xuan, still struck there. Hahahs, In conclusion, THE GAME WAS REALLY REALLY FUN, except the fact that soap went into my eyes, pain! TT We really made used of the 1hour given, everyone was up. Had alot of difficulties pulling her up. And pulling HaoHan and Jiaying and others that is willing to sacrifice by facing down is damn tiring!
Lunch: Sat near the water refill place, Ivin go bluff those that coming to refill bottle say 'dont have liao!' Hahahs, laughing our heads off!
Third game; the last one: Build the raft thing. Givin only 20minutes to assemble the darn raft to float. Hahahs, My group finished first, we set sail our raft first cause the other team took very long. :/ My legs' wound really hurts! Sea water sarks! ;x Then when we went to land, i emptied my shoe, found alot of seaweed in my shoes. My school shoe spoiled. ._.
4.30pm left the park. Still, walked barefooted to the bus. Sat with Claire, Zharfan, Gabriel and Deric. Gossip-ed alot with them, and saw Gabriel and Deric spar. Deric call Gabriel 'soggy balls' then Gabriel call Deric 'three musketeers, legend of the blahblahblahh' . Gabriel say that his birdie might be bleeding cause he say it hurts! Lmaos! Deric was like damn worry, lawls! But it was fake. Duhhhh!
In the school Had dinner. Dull, plain fried rice. AND IT DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANY OTHER THINGS!! But the trainers have alot of packets of rice left. So almost the whole Sec2 is running for the second packet. I gave my extras to JunDa and co. They ate my within minutes. -.- Hungry ghosts! hahahs, the trainers boiled us some hotdogs. Niceeee.
Had camp'fire'. Slept in tent with JiaHui, JiaYing, ZiYing and other people. Limited of space to move, stinkingly hotandhumid. That the very words that describe experience in the tent! Not my first but i still dont really like this. Me, JiaYing and JiaHui didnt really sleep. 10 minutes sleep is all i had. All awhile, i'm staring to nowhere. Walked around on some occasion. Bathed at 3.30am together with JiaYing and JiaHui -in different cubicles-.
Went back to the tent and around 4am, its damn cool! Me and JiaHui slept until 5am. At least better than nothing. Hahahs. Assemble for morning assembly, went for breakfast and ate Nasi Lemak. Then the trainers dismissed us to our class for bazaar around i dont know when. The teacher let us sleep. The rest of the girls slept on the floor while i slept of the table (cause got fan above me!) .
Blahblahblahhhh.. Blahblahblahhhh..
Dismissed us and went to lotone to eat with JiaWen, Claire and Bernice. FINALLY, decent food atlast!
GO 2A! 3 cheers for 2A! Today was the interhouse competition as part of the post exams activities. Tomorrow is the Sec2 level camp. Excited! I ♥ camp! Woohooo! :} Today met Ayaka to go school together, Hahahs, thanks stupiid jieh! Walked school together with her, chatted. -- Our class girls is the first team to compete. EVERYTIME i tell you, its rather ... Lmaos, they only need 6 players so i became reserved, :D So i sit with Vannessa and other girls, then chat and cheer together. MULTI TASKING! Lawls, & THE 2A GIRLS WON 203! WOOTS! Went to watch the boys play bball, they owned 203(1) -i think- fast forward, abit boring the first part, skip to the last few,
The second round the girls lost
Hey girlss! Dont worry whether lose or not, 202 very strong opponent marhhs! Dont blame yourself uhs! :} Be happy, hahahs!
Our class boys group 2 also lost. actually is disqualiflied. Because of Ruben's recklessness. Hahahs, he and 205 de ChengAn. Then left like only 2 more groups to compete. -- Semi-finals Simon's group lost to 205. Then Simon in the middle of the game suddenly fly to where me, Ayaka, Danielle and ZhengHui are standing. Walauu, damn heavy sia! ;x
Glenn's group won 203. They play damn funny! Got 2 Glenn, got 2 Alvin. We down there laughing our heads off! :} Finals Glenn's group VS 205. WeiJian sprained his leg, ChengYang sprained his wrist. In the end we lost, its okeh! :}
Oh shiat, my mother is checking the exams paper now! I am so dead! She's hitting my brother now for careless mistake, oh crap. I am so dead! especially my CHINESE! 54.5/100 for overall. Im dead meat!
Wish me luck peopless. TT im prepared for the worst! RAWRHHS!
Nevermind, false alarm My internet is back on! Yeah! -- Today met up with Jocelyn and Claire to go school Mr ALim in class already and Jocelyn is like hiding her shoes because she wearing ballerina shoe and ankle socks, hahahs. She keep covering her shoes. Ask us to help her block. Lmaos! After temperature taking, went up to hall for Mr Jamil's farewell thingy, he is retiring after 30years service in BPGHS. And his birthday is tomorrow, 60th birthday. WOW! He spent 1/2 of his life teaching in BPGHS. Hahahs. Seniorest-est-est teacher in BPGHS. Stayed in the hall for like 1hour++, Mr Jamil gave a longgggggg speech and 1 of his ex-student(i think 30year old ++ liao) also gave a very longggggg speech. In the end, we stayed in the hall for very longgggggggg also! Hahahs. Got the first paper, which is Physics and my result is at least presentable to my mother. Our class damn noisy at first, then Ms Kang pissed off. Jocelyn and Jasper go find her in the staff room. then Andy keep saying Jocelyn and Jasper, so lame and childish! Haiis. I got 30/50 for Physics. and the rest i dont wish to say. Shall end her, -time limit- liao, -'-
YiShun the bombom invited me to a game of 3D tic-tac-toe when chatting but in the end, he lose damn badly! Tyco tyco one. Hahahs.
YiShun the bombom go say he cuter than the beaver in the chat. How retard is that?!
hmmmm, mother unlock the -time limit- thingy liao, freaking happy! Today went out with Chicken and her friends, lawls. So piaseh, dont know them sia. So happy to see chicken again! Hahahs, miss her TT Haiis, she in my school can liao, ;x hahahs, -- After exams need to stay back in school for some idiotic Sec2 camp briefing, bored to death. I was telling the lady (mentally) to 讲重点,就讲重点吗。Hahahs, she seriously need to say the important things instead of keep repeating the motive of the camp. Keep repeating, i pekcek liao. ;x And and and i realised that the beach we are going during the 2D1N camp is at the Pasir Ris park there. Walauuu, remind me of my P4 leadership camp (I prefect leh! Want to bet?), the most suey camp i go. Junda and WeiCheng should know, cause they also attend the camp. Hahahs, the first night then rain so heavy, then almost all the tent flooded, mine group was one of them. TT Esther's tent was worst, hers flip and topple. Hahahs, back to the point, I was like OMG! I KNOW THAT PLACE EXCEPT THAT I DONT REMEMBER IT CALL A BEACH!! Hahahs, that so random. Rawrhhs! After the briefing chiong to the back of the hall for band thingy. Met up with KengNing, WeiLi and Junda. Then started chatting about our P5 camp and fun it was, Hahahs, our P5 camp got the mud track and i fell 3 times, and all thanks to the short guy, hold hand is to prevent people from falling but in the end, no use, i plop down to the mud, trying to get up also difficult!! Rawrhhs, Anyways, then chiong down to the photo taking area. Thanks KengNing for the tie! :} At the photo taking place, i was telling Gabbiew not to look like a penguin anymore, seriously funny! Hahahahs, then he go show me his fugly face. ._. After photo taking then Ms Ow ask us to stay back, i was !@#$%^&*() and seriously angry! I want to meet Chicken marhhh. TT Stay outside Art Room, so bored. Went in to the IPW room, got some uncle look alike there pretending to be Mr Ong by saying "Write me a statement on why you blahblahblahhh" Funny sia! Kicked Gabbiew then i ziao liao, :} -- Met Chicken with her friends, Hahahs, Hmmm, i dont know why we keep walking around like some tourist and Chicken owe me pocky! She very self-service nia, hahahs, i used to it liao, her habits and what she gonna say next i know liao, ;x hahahs, jokes jokes. 3pm then go home liao because too boring at West Mall. Hahahs, joked with Chicken and her friend at MRT there, and (not surprising) Chicken manage to embarrassed herself when laughing. She laugh laugh then look up hit 1 man's face. Then the man's wife(i think) go hold her husband hand thinking that we trying to hit him or what! Hahahs, ended up laughing freaking lot. :}
Enjoyable day with Chicken and her friend. :} Oh, got Xuan Ping's number, i forgot him until saw Chicken's phone and was thinking, 'Xuan Ping? So familar..' then remember he from YTPS. Hahahs,
MIA Hahahahhs, i like first time MIA sia. Finish blogskin findingg.. Woohooo! Hahahhs, Simple barhh?!
The song is hott! By 強辯+武虎將+東城衛, theme song of 終極三國. Rawrhhh! Hahahhs, Sunday was damn fun. Syrafiq kena bully by yours truely. :} He is tooo weak compare to me! :B hahahs, joking uhs. Jun Guan is my accomplice together with Mr Liew. Hahahs, support me !! Too bad Saturday class not as fun as Sunday, cause Science very slack. :}
Its like this: I go hide S's bag in JunGuan's big bag. Then S stupiid stupiid dont know that his bag missing. When i go out, S go hide my bag, so freaking lamee! Then i go blurf him saying that his bag inside mine, so S took my bag and check. So that retard S tio blurffed by me. Hahahhs, this is the smart work of Nicole Peng! *Thanks You thanks youuu!
Hahahhs, Aiya, time limit liaos, byeeeee Today's chinese confirm fail. Wish me luck for the rest! :B & Ming Ee, dont say my blog emo lehh, hahahhs, bo time to update update marhh! :P
1 more video,
終極三國裡的馬超RAP, try saying it faster then the rapper. JiaYouus, hahahahs, mine? Dont assk. Unsuccessful. Rawrhh! My neighbour say damn accurate but not fast enoughh, haiis. i born to suck in chinese onee. Hahahsh,